ivan bby,i love u.
i've dropped everyone unnessary out of my life. i cant be brainwashed like this anymore. i need to have a brain of my own and use it. i dont need any best friends,knowing how my last one backstabbed me when i trusted and loved the kid to death. after all this that happend,ivan still stood here,he still loved me,even though i was a complete fake. i dont think i'll ever be so naive and trusting again.. proove me wrong.
ADD MY BACKUP NOW!!!!!!and here are my youtube vids:))
My biggest fear. I am not really afraid of anything or anyone. But there is one thing and that is getting attached to someone And then having to deal with them drifting away. It happens to me all the time. and I know its my fault. I am obnoxious and loud. it scares and annoys people. I am scared that someone I become attached to will slowly learn more of whom I am. It really sucks when someone you like as a friend ignores your phone calls, ims, comments and plans to hangout when you try your hardest to keep in touch with them. all I ask for is that if u cant tolerate people like me, don’t give me a reason to get attached, ‘ill get hurt. And I am really scared to. just hurt me in advance to attachment.