Chess. Admittedly I am not horrible at chess, but I am not something I would consider great either. I play to play. I play to sharpen my brain. To teach myself a slightly more abstract way of thinking.
Star Wars. Who doesn't like Star Wars? Okay.. a lot of people actually, but it still is a hobby of mine I cannot seem to break. No, no figures around the house. No posters per se, just a very avid fan. Video games. Yep. I like them. More so, if I could ever actually wrap my brain around C++ and some of the other more complex languages, I would love to design and develop them, but for now, i live with playing them some, trying to layout designs and concepts for them, and putting together 3d scenes for possible ideas later on.
Books and art. See above. Okay... I love to read. I have always said, I love to read but I am a horrible reader. It's like my singing. I love to sing, but I have a low range of tone I can keep... so this drastically effects my ability to sing. Reading.. well.. I have ADD. It's not an excuse. It's truth. I can sit down with a book I love and begin to read but if I see something shiny in the distance i might have to go look at it. I find if I envision the book more like a film in my mind it is easier. Since I was 10 I have read most books like movies. I see the scenes in my head, hear the voices, visualize the effects, the smells. I have always wanted to direct film for this reason. I see Cinematically. But try convincingg someone of that without going out and doing it first. What I lack is the ability to Create what I see. In high school, I loved art. I took an art class. Freshman year. And in that class sat three people who to This Day I consider some of the best artists I have ever known. Even my direct reproduction of a Time cover was horrible in comparrison. This is not to say I am a bad sketcher. I can sketch. I can draw a lot of things, but I simply have one style by which I draw which limited most of my effects ambitions as well. Anyway.. this is turning more into a blog then a Interests.
I think most of my interests would better be talked about in private. *winks*
At this point there are several people I would like to meet.. if even just to say.. hey man.. nice writing.. or great art.... or even... you sure as hell f*cked up that trilogy.I would like to meet Jewel again. I met her before she became popular and she was very real.. very together... I would like to see first hand how fame has screwed her up. If we're talking people no longer alive.... I would like to meet Ben Franklin, Edgar Allen Poe, my Grandfather, and about a dozen others.I think I would enjoy meeting hitler and kicking ths shit out of him.
Metallica, Jewel, NIN, a little Dead Milkmen, White Zombie, GnR, Sepultura, Monkees, the occassional techno and dance if it's done well. Pussycat Dolls have a pretty cool sound and a nice look (heh), etc etc... as you can see.. my tastes vary
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Hmmmm... Braveheart. Lord of the Rings. Harry Potter. Star Wars. Halloween. The Thing. Christine. Rocky Horror Picture Show. American Pie. Big Trouble in Little China. Dawn of the Dead. The original Night of the living dead. Searching for Bobby Fischer. Dragon Heart. Night Trips*. Conquest*.
* denotes questionable content
Cold Case Files. New Detectives. Forensics Files. CSI (original). The new Battlestar Gallactica
Stephen King's "It" and "The Dark Half", Laurell K Hamilton Anita Blake series. Books on my To Read: Demon in the Freezer and Hot Zone by Richard Preston, Angels and Demons and Divinci Code.
My father is the best example.. anyone who does what it takes to get it done