Christian Doellner profile picture

Christian Doellner

About Me

STRANGE NEWS FROM ANOTHER STARChristian Doellner was born at some point in the last millennium in Munich, Germany. Unfortunately, as a result of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Christian would spend his school boy days transported to the middle of the the darkest sector of the America dream: Central Illinois - where Christian would hide behind headphones, book covers, and a lederhosen free smirk.In 1985, a year after graduating high school, while listening to Todd Rundgren's A Wizard A True Star for 20 hours straight on a Greyhound bus out of Darktown, Christian would realize he had a calling. This prescient delusion would manifest in Christian scoring a gig as Kyle MacLachlan's stand-in on David Lynch's surreal masterpiece Blue Velvet.High on the front row - blow back fumes of Lynch's genius, Christian would be inspired to major in Cinema Studies at the University of Illinois. Upon securing academic All-American status, and award winning journalism honors, Christian left college to write and direct Grappling - a documentary about a drug addled Pro Wrestler and his male escort Samoan tag-team partner.Fight Club writer Chuck Palahnuik said that Christian squandered his youth in the best possible ways, the best training for an artist - seeing Christian's images we think you'll agree.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Frothing at the mouth enthusiasts and iconoclasts of a gentle persuasion

My Blog

Waiting For Springfield

WAITING FOR SPRINGFIELD I've had an albatross around my neck for years and his name is Rick Springfield, so much so, I've spent considerable time debating the merits of Springfield's ambitious left ...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 23:42:00 GMT

my Juliette and the Licks Hotstuff vid footage

Juliette and The Licks (Juliette Lewis) TheSTART, and Suffrajett @ The Note, Chicago, Il 8/04/2007The night prior to her jaw-dropping, "shades of Iggy sans the Peanut Butter" crowd surfing performance...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 20:28:00 GMT

published music reviews

John Southworth Mars Pennsylvania Hearing John Southworth is similar to seeing re-runs of elderly crooner Rudy Vallee guest-staring as the villainous Lord Marmaduke Ffogg on the 60's Batman TV series ...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 02:17:00 GMT

my interview w/THE CULT'S Ian Astbury

CULT OF PERSONALITYBy Christian DoellnerIan Astbury is a force of nature.Following in the loquacious foot-steps of Pete Townsend - another colorful, English visionary - The Cult's frontman, Ian Ast...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 00:44:00 GMT

published film reviews

Existential 'Seven' saves dying genreThe initial impression of Seven begs one to ask: Do audiences need anotherstylized thriller shot by a hotshot, wunderkind director renowned for hisaward winning mu...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 23:47:00 GMT