The most useless thing to do is to worry.
The greatest joy is to give.
The greatest thing we could lose is our self respect.
The most satisfying work is to help others.
The ugliest personality trait is selfishness.
The most endangered species is dedicated leaders.
Our greatest natural resource is our youth.
The greatest problem to overcome is fear.
The greatest boost is encouragement.
The most powerful force in the universe is LOVE.
The worst thing to be without is hope.
The deadliest weapon is our tongue.
Our greatest asset is our faith.
The most worthless emotion is self pity.
The most prized possession is our integrity.
My Blog
It's a Girl!!!
Just in case anyone was curious me and robert found out that it's a Girl!! Here we go with round number 2!! Posted by on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 01:50:00 GMT