i MiSS YOU GRANDMiE..[R.i.P] profile picture


im gunna make you forget about her...♥

About Me


NO need fOr an introduction. =]

i already met them. ♥

^---my BEST friend.----^

^---BiG && R0B♥---^
we been together since 5th grade.
^---we go back since kindergarden.----^
^---my minnie me.---^
^---she..s attached @ thee.. hip.---^
^----my little sister----^
^----my best guy friend.----^

My Interests

RiP. ♥
Grandmie Lessard.
June 10, 2007..

i knew s0mething was wr0ng... m0m was gone. dad was sleep. i came h0me fr0m thee.. graduation party && asked my dad 'where..s m0m?!' 'grandmie..s n0t gunna make it t0day' she flew out on an emergency flight..g0t a fone call fr0m mom about 2 hr..s later..'jes, grandmie passed away ab0ut an h0ur ago' we both break d0wn...i had to be str0ng f0r my mom. 'mommmmmyy, she..s in a better place now...with Pepe where she want..s t0 be! Mommm... i love you'...'i love you too jes'.
She was an amazing. beautiful. wize. smart. lady...she alway..s knew how to put a smile on my face, said the right thing..s to cheer me up. i..m gunna miss her crazy ass..it..s hard t0 let her go...but i kn0w from n0w on she is with the 0ne she love..s && alway..s wanted to be with <[b>PEPE]. That bring..s back the smile i alway..s have, t0o know she is happy once again..=]To know she..s n0t suffering anymore, she..s up in heaven..n0thing can hurt her.
she..s my garden angle where ever i go.
i l0ve you.
&& yes grandmie
'i..m havin.. a parrrtttyyy' =]

this is h0w i will remember YOU, you..r goofy.beautiful personality...
GOD, i..m gunna miss you. =[

I'd like to meet:

..* sto0opid bitch..s. ♥


MUSiC. ♥ its about my mood. =]



one day ill marry someone like him.
this lady is my world.♥
mommy two people that are always there.
my sister. deshawn. zara