vegitarianism* animal rights and liberation, mother nature and the environment, faeries, karma, beliefs, yoga, spirituality, buddahism, knitting, art art art art art!! synthetic hair* make-up, shaving my head, paranormals, crop circles, clamp animation, garage sales and thrift shops, cleaning, health food, asian and egyption culture, erotica books* lesbian erotica, body mods, pin-up girls, modeling, fake eyebrows and eyelashes* interesting music, simple pleasures, tank girl, american mcgees Alice, RPGs, elderscrolls MORROWIND, The Sims, and ppl who write me messages when they send friend requests
tori amos, rasputina, dresden dolls, android lust, bjork, and theres plenty more where that came from!
Ray Bradbury, Lewis Carrol, graphic novels, manga, tankgirl comix, HARRY POTTER-fuck yeah!, Memoirs of a Geisha, Mists of Avalon
tank girl