HR 875 The Food Police, criminalizing organic farming...
HR 875 The food police, criminalizing organic farming and the backyard gardener, and violation of the 10th amendment..Posted by LydiaScott on 03/06/09 03:36 AM.. ..[Older: Is this an opportunity to pu...Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 21:29:00 GMT
Structure of the Birth Certificate
FORT FAIRFIELD JOURNALReal. Educational. News.Fort Fairfield Journal Contact Us Bible Reference Our Library..Advance...Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 14:06:00 GMT
Ok, I know that most of America LOVES Obama. However, there is just a handful of us that are very weary of this dude. I have done some research and found a lot of truth about him. Quoted from GOPUSA.c...Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 05:26:00 GMT
CHECK OUT MY NEW MYSPACE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After I got married I created a new Myspace page that is dedicated to my husband and my new life together. Please feel free to take a look at our page and leave comments or whatever. Our new myspace p...Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 23:09:00 GMT
I am completely happy for the first time in years
I know what your what happened. Well, I will explain. Before I moved back to Florida I had pretty much given up on men. I just couldn't find a man who would love me for who I am and tre...Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 08:31:00 GMT
Demand Twiztid in your area
I'm am starting a demand for Twiztid in the Harrisburg/Hershey area. If you live in the area and want to see them perform here in central Pa just click on Demand It.div.eventful-fsc-eventful { width: ...Posted by on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 22:06:00 GMT
Just got a new tattoo....WOOT WOOT
So....for that last 2 months I have been contemplating on getting another tattoo and for the last month I knew what tattoo I was gonna get. That's right...if you haven't figured out what it is by now....Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 17:58:00 GMT
Damn I hate this time of year.
So here it was a beautiful 70 degrees outside today. I am just getting off of work at 2pm and had Twiztid (We Don't Die) playing on my stereo. I am going down the road and out of the corner of my eye ...Posted by on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:13:00 GMT
Representin' the Fam
We Don't Die - TwiztidWe ain't underground by accidentThere's only a select few that can handle thisFreek shitApparition of a poltergeistBlessed with heartBut is cold as ice and broken twiceNow I walk...Posted by on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 21:03:00 GMT
Here I go again by Whitesnake
For those of you who don't know by now..this is the theme song to my life. &nb...Posted by on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 20:43:00 GMT