The Great Reality Within
Autonomous Liberated Sovereign Authentic Humans BEING:
If we do not cleanse our psyche, and strive to live somewhat morally, and we continue to violate the natural order, because of our inner emotional and psychological toxicity, we will allow the ego to manifest surrogate channels to exorcise its repressions and negative debris.
In short, if we give up management of our inner selves, we will elect tyrants to take over the job and we become Passive - Agressive - Smiling - Depressives.
WAR IS THE RESULT OF A PSYCHIC EPIDEMIC. The masses of the world COMPULSIVELY avoids investigation of its true nature and/or taking honest self surveys. WE are not taught strongly enough that going within your psycho-spiritual self is crucial to health and that nothing truly worthwhile is ever accomplished with your ego running the show.
Lack of intergration of the whole self and of a healthy psychology turns to external representatives to restore stability; Politicians, Celebrities, Teachers, Evangelists, Authority Figures, Police, Medics, etc.
Our answers are uniquely within - not OUT there.
ALL Wars are a reflection of the COLLECTIVE human inner state. I don't blame WAR on any one person, government, country, race or religion and refuse to join societies sick illusion of my brothers and sisters being enemy / rival / competitor.
I can't stop humanity from killing itself off, but I can take responsibility for PERSONALLY BEING a pozitive change.
FREEDOM = freeing others from any emptiness and need I might have and being emotionally uneffected either - positvely or negatively - by what ANYONE thinks - says - does.
Love and compassion is the answer; for all living things are literally ONE.
Okay, that will be $21.95 ---------------
BTW I'd like to meet ALL Y'ALL
The background image on this page is used with permission of the artist: Cam de Leon
Please visit his site and buy something.
Thou shalt know; self-chosen are the woes that fall on men - how wretched, for they see not good so near, nor hearken to its voice - few only know the pathway of deliverance from ill - Pythagoras (Grecian Philosopher, 6th century BC)
EXXXON most largest profit EVER EVER EVER EVER earned by any corporation.... in history.... EVER
Sleazy war-time price gouging greed MONOPOLY.
WAR OF TERROR BODY COUNT for Liberation = 600,000 MURDERED. Most deaths are Iraqi civilians. That's one form of Liberation.
Bush Admistration and The War are but only a SYMPTOM of the real problem ---- COLLECTIVE LACK OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.
veterans opposed to the war
the lies that led to war
$upport our injured troops
don't buy lies about IRAN too - U.S. is not the WORLD POLICE
even the NEW Iraqi Parliment and 2/3 of Iraqi citizens wants the United States Out of their country !!!!
WE CAN DO BETTERThis WAR might cost every American $20,000 dollars.WE could have fixed social security and provided health care for all US children.
Al Gore and his Global Warming Crusade sheep. (distraction from truly looking at self) Global warming is just a symptom of the core issue.
Yes - we need to treat symptoms (simple behavior modification) ..... but are we not talking about WHY these issues exist in the FIRST PLACE ????
COLLECTIVE LACK OF CONSCIOUSNESS. IF we are able to curb global warming, but do not address the root issue .... we will manifest another .... just as bad or worse.
We are still re-arranging furniture on the Titanic ??
Don't Worry - Curtis Mayfield