I'M A SENIOR & Everything is fucking good right now.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn
is just to love, and be loved in return.
I don't drink or smoke, I am straight edge.
I like to be alone sometimes, I love to write and read quotes. I never have money. I own a Polaroid camera from 1970's, but film is way to expensive.
People learn a lot from me, when they get to know me. I kiss everyone.
I exercise because I'm bored or because I want my self esteem to be high.
My favorite media for art is Oil pastels. I don't like people that manipulate, lie and fake the whole time.
School wasn't made for me, but there's always COD. I don't like when people cry, it makes me feel guilty and bad.
I NEED a job! to BUY a CAR!, I like to satisfy myself in so many ways, by doing/making/helping good things towards other people it just makes me feel right.
I sleep/watch/sit/talk/walk for hours, I give chances a lot, because I know and believe that people make mistakes 24/7, I love you all... natalia