~*Miss Dimples*~ profile picture

~*Miss Dimples*~

♥Great Things Happen When You Dont Expect Them♥

About Me

~The One & Only Miss Dimples~
♥ I like making people laugh!
♥ I can be immature, but I know when to be serious!
♥ I have fun wherever i go!
♥ My friends are really important to me!
♥ Im not afraid to admit I am a jealous person!
♥ I'm shy at first when meeting someone!
♥ I never walk away from a fight!
♥ Im scared of alot things but i dont show it!
♥ No matter how bad things are, if im with my friends its all forgotten!
♥ My worst fear is losing the people that matter the most to me!
♥ I hate change!
♥ I'm pretty outgoing!
♥ I'm pretty easy to get along with!
♥ I love attention! but of course who doesnt!
♥ Well thats all i can think of right now thats sorta worth saying! but if you have questions or whatever! hit me up!!
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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
This girl is amazing! She has always been there for me, through everything! She never lets me down. She is like my sister. I admire her so much. I hang out with her almost 24/7. We do argue sometimes and we get on each others nerves. But we always get over it within 15 min!! I love her so much! Thank you for everything Sis!
She is really is one of my best friends! I love that we have gotten alot closer now then we used to be! I know she'll always be there for me! She has such a good heart! We've gone through our moments but in the end I know she'll always be there! She is such a strong person! Thank you for everything Sis! I love you!!
He was my first best guy friend! He has always been there for me when I needed someone! He does pick on me alot but I know its cause he loves me! He is such a great person! It hurt alot when he moved to Ohio. But everytime he comes to visit! We have the best time! Thanks for everything Bro! I love you!
I really dont know what I would do without these people! Thank you guys so much for everything! Your closer to me than family! I love you all!
girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com music / movies

My Interests

I love to Dance! Listen to Music! Ride quads! Swim! I love sleeping! Foods great!

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I'd like to meet:

John Travolta!!! Maroon 5!!! Dane Cook!!

~My Dream Car~


R&B, Hip-Hop, Underground Rap, Rock, Country


The Notebook! Fast and the Furious 1 & 2! I love all the Halloween Movies!


MTV!!! Lifetime!! WB!!


Flowers in the attic series.


♥Sarah! My best friend, sister, my angel sent from God! Sarah you are really an amazing person! You have always been there for me through EVERYTHING theres not one thing i could say u havent been there for! With all the shit goin on at home for me You and your dad have always been there for me and you have no idea what that means to me! You are one of the only people i can go to with anything! You know about all of my past and my secrets and I know they are safe with you! You are truely an extrodinary person! I really dont know what i would do without you!! I love you Sis! Thank you!

My Blog


1. Your Name: 2. Age:3. Fave Color: 4. Fave Movie: 5. Fave Song: 6. Fave Band: 7. Most Embarassing Moment: 8. Are you a virgin?HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ... 1. Are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush/...
Posted by ~*Miss Dimples*~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my lil battle.. what u think??

dont envy mebecause you hate mejust cuz i got skilland u sitten there still payin the billdont let the green get in youcuz u cant do what i can dolife is short so why waste your timedont copyright my ...
Posted by ~*Miss Dimples*~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST