I love to Dance! Listen to Music! Ride quads! Swim! I love sleeping! Foods great!
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John Travolta!!! Maroon 5!!! Dane Cook!!
~My Dream Car~
R&B, Hip-Hop, Underground Rap, Rock, Country
The Notebook! Fast and the Furious 1 & 2! I love all the Halloween Movies!
MTV!!! Lifetime!! WB!!
Flowers in the attic series.
♥Sarah! My best friend, sister, my angel sent from God! Sarah you are really an amazing person! You have always been there for me through EVERYTHING theres not one thing i could say u havent been there for! With all the shit goin on at home for me You and your dad have always been there for me and you have no idea what that means to me! You are one of the only people i can go to with anything! You know about all of my past and my secrets and I know they are safe with you! You are truely an extrodinary person! I really dont know what i would do without you!! I love you Sis! Thank you!