oh well..! me? i'm just a simple LADY..! i'm not that maarte..! i love stars..the five sided polygon ...! i love the color blue..! and silver also..! i love bugs bunny and cookie monster..! i study in an exclusive girls school..! i love posing in front of cameras..they say i'm a vain person..! am i? i jst love myself..! i feel proud about myself..! i'm cute..! if others don't think so..oh well..! let it be..! you knw "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"..! ryt?
me.. my name says it allL- LovingA - Accurate
D - Desperate
Y - YummyL - LuckyI - InnocentB - BeautifulE - ElitistR - RawT - TimelessY - Young
My Interests
stars..! stars..! umm..stars...! hmm..stars..!
I'd like to meet:
anyone..! if you want a STAR..then add me..!
My Blog
LLovingAAccurateDDesperateYYummy LLuckyIInnocentBBeautifulEElitistRRawTTimelessYYoungName / Username:
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom Go-Quiz.com... Posted by Lady Liberty on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST