Listen to your heart, hear what it's saying... profile picture

Listen to your heart, hear what it's saying...

~ALWAYZ welcomed with love and open arms~

About Me

Hey, I finally decided to switch this up! So..."about me" Chariel is my name, I jus moved to tha bay about 9 mos ago, so goin on a year! I'm still havin a hard time adjusting up here alone..It's my first time being on my own.. and not only that my family lives in San Diego still, so its hard to be in a new city with no family. Anyone who has been away from family knows how tough it is to be without them especially when they are a big part of your life to begin with! Right now I work as a Medical Assistant, I love what I do, to make a difference in someones life, even if it is for those few minutes you are with them, makes you feel this sense of accomplishment. I hope to one day do more, and advance in my career to get a Masters in Nursing, to become a Nurse Practitioner. BIg Dreams..But we'll see! As for right now I'm jus working full time and trying to make it up here on my own! Life gets a lil crazy sometimes...but every experience is a learning experience. And I have learned that if you go through something and don't get out of it what you were supposed to...better believe you will be faced with the same challenge once again! I'm still learning alot about life. And one thing I jus realized last week, alot of us do..And that is put things off! Like my quote..."That "DAY" you keep setting things aside for may "NEVER" come"! And that right there, doesn't get much realer than that! I have had alot of drama and trials and tribulations that have came my way...I don't hold grudges, i might not forget but i won't hold anything against anybody! Everybody and anybody who knows me knows, I'm a forgiving person, a thoughtful, caring, person who respects people and their feelings, pure Genuwine, all tha time! Until you cross me...I am a GEMINI so don't get it twisted..As my homeboy calls me..."Gangsta Princess" LOL...I will get ghetto on ya ass in a hot minute! Enough of that...But I believe that everything you go through in life determines the type of person you turn out to be! Even though things might seem all bad at the time...eventually the pain fades away and you move on and from that experience, if you learned anything at all, you will grow and become that much more of a person, and it just might better you all at the same time!
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My Interests

Sharing deep thoughts, about life, love, the world. I like to have deep conversations about anything. I love poetry. Recently I was introduced to def poetry tha hook..I jus enjoy spending time with the people that matter...regardless of what it is we do! Jus that time (Quality Time) is enough!

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I'd like to meet:

As far as Myspace goes...People from "back in tha day when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore". So if ya know me or think ya know me from back then..Holla!


Pretty much everything except ROCk and country!!!


Favorite movie...DIRTY DANCING! Love it...Recent favorite movie...300...the queen of Sparta, yea she was hott!
Love is your main emotion. You may have either
embraced this, or you may hide it, but either
way you still have a tender spot in your heart.
If you got this result it may also mean that
you are currently in love, which is a great way
to be.

What emotion dominates your life? Awesome anime pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla


Don't get 2 watch 2 much TV, lol can't afford cable right now...LOL! :( But I like House, Grey's anatomy, DHC, Tru Calling, Eve, All of Us, One on One, Dr. 90210...


Anything about the Hollocaust interests me!
.. Now Icons


Myself, My family, My best friends, My boyfriend! They all, in their own ways have taught me lessons. And made me into a better person! thank you guys for putting up with me. I know things can get a little rough! But you guys...understand me!
Cool Slideshows
Sadness and depression is what lies behind your
eyes... Or even so, you can't even tell what
lies behind your eyes because they're
constantly covered up with tears! You've been
hurt, abused, and damned far too much for you
to handle it all anymore! No one understands
you because theyre too scared to get to
know you! You want to finally give up; just
escape and rid of all your pain. You want
people to understand, you want comfort... You
tend to bottle up all of your emotions and
problems, hoping that theyll all go away But
you long to reach out and tell that one special
person all of your feelings and troubles! But
you never seem to have that person to talk to,
or they just dont want to hear you! You want a
normal and happy life. Though
that picture is porcelain in your mind; it's
not as great as it seems, and most importantly,
it's not real! You always feel this
sense of loneliness clouding over your head;
isolated though surrounded by several people.
None of them know you; none of them see what's
wrong with you. You want understanding, you
want that friend, and you want that perfect
life! You often find isolated places as being
your salvation; any place away from 'them' is
ideal to you. You also love to express yourself
in many ways; whether it be through your
emotions, words, art, or even physically. You
think no one can relate to you, but you don't
know how wrong you are! You're just too scared;
too scared to admit that maybe you're wrong
about society... You want company, but at the
same time, you're scared of it. Your sanctuary
is your room where you can just be alone and
try to throw away all of your aching pains.
You're dark and mysterious and people like you
for that reason. Even if you think you're all
by yourself in the dark, someone is always
there with you. Your special someone wants to
admit and show their feelings towards you, but
they're afraid of how you'll take it. Maybe it
isn't as bad as you portray it to be! Life
brings smiles, tears, laughter and memories...
The smiles fade, the tears dry, and the
laughter eventually dies down... But the
memories... Those last forever! So try to make
them memories you can cherish... You only live
once, so make it the best as possible :) Don't
start frowning! You never know who's falling in
love with your smile :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (Surprise!)
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My Blog

Letting Go!

 Letting Somethings and some folks go...This is beautiful. Read it to the end...the message is awesome!!!Let it go for 2007.By T. D. JakesThere are people who can walk away from you.And hear me w...
Posted by tImEs liKe dEez deTerMiNe ThA WeaK fRoM tHa StrOnG on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 12:48:00 PST

Words of wisdom...thanks Saujie i liked this one!

THE TONGUE CAN BE YOUR WORST ENEMY!Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts have power to create conditionsin your life. What you speak about, you can bring about.If you keep saying you can't stand ...
Posted by tImEs liKe dEez deTerMiNe ThA WeaK fRoM tHa StrOnG on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 11:30:00 PST

Grown Women

Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans. Grown women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fits in. Girls want to control the man in th...
Posted by tImEs liKe dEez deTerMiNe ThA WeaK fRoM tHa StrOnG on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 12:07:00 PST

feelings...have you ever?

Have you ever... given someone so much of yourself you seem to get lost between reality and fantasy? Have you ever... fell so deep that you can't escape from the barriers that entrap you? Have you ev...
Posted by tImEs liKe dEez deTerMiNe ThA WeaK fRoM tHa StrOnG on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:38:00 PST

Men...WHY?? GIRLS...why?

HEY! I just want to know....why is it that guys are so sneaky and think that they can get away with shit??? Why is it that you have a good girl who is more than down for you and either you don't reali...
Posted by tImEs liKe dEez deTerMiNe ThA WeaK fRoM tHa StrOnG on Sun, 21 May 2006 11:29:00 PST

Embracing the CREOLE Flag

What is the Creole Flag? It was created in 1987 by Pete Bergeron, it represents the cultural melting pot that is Louisiana Creoles. The Creole Flag celebrates the mixed lineage, culture and religion ...
Posted by tImEs liKe dEez deTerMiNe ThA WeaK fRoM tHa StrOnG on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 09:30:00 PST

venting obstacles!

Its funny how life works always throwing obstacles your way, if you are weak you give in, if you are strong you pick yourself up and start all over again! Me I've been to hell and back and constantly ...
Posted by tImEs liKe dEez deTerMiNe ThA WeaK fRoM tHa StrOnG on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 11:44:00 PST