Moogles profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey i'm Moogles. I currently live somewhere in the middle of England.In August 2005 was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.....Luckily for me it was caught early and is being controlled with pills, unfortunately the pills have side effects - I no longer have an immume system, my liver can be damaged in later life and my hair is falling out O_oAs of the 26th December 2006 I am the proud aunty of a very cute girl named Sienna Rose weighing in at 7ib 15oz ^__^ She's just too cute!!(see my pictures)
*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: MoOgLeS
[birthdate]: 14/12/1980
[sex]: gIrL oF cOuRsE
[relationship status]: sEeInG sOmEoNe
[shoe size]: 7
[parents still together]: YeP
[siblings]: oLdEr BrOtHeR
[pets]: rEaLly WaNt A rAt
[color]: PuRpLe
[number]: 7
[time of year]: WiNtEr
[type of weather]: SnOw
[food/drink]: ChIcKeN fRiEd RiCe/Dr PePpEr
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: NoPe
[have any tattoos]: BuTtErFlY oN lOwEr BaCk
[cheat on tests]: YeP
[like scary movies]: NoPe
[like cleaning]: NoT rEaLly
[know how to drive a standard]: CaN't DrIvE
[own a cell phone]: yEp
[collect anything]: MaNgA, aNiME aNd TeDdY bEaRs
[been in a fist fight]: YeS
[considered a life of crime]: BeEn ThErE dOnE tHaT
[considered being a hooker]: nOpE
[been in love]: tHiNk I hAvE, bUt NoT sUrE
[made out with just a friend]: yEp (AnD gOnE fUrThEr)
[hurt someone you love]: YeP
[kicked someone in the nuts]: nOpE
[clothing]: jEaNs, DeAtH kItTy ToP
[hair]: bRoWn, ShOrT tO mId LeNgTh
[song you are in love with]: BoIlEr: LiMp BiZkIt
[cd in your stereo]: MyChEmIcAlRoMaNcE:tHrEe ChEeRs FoR sWeEt ReVeNgE
[mood]: cAn ChAnGe In A hEaRt BeAt
[thing you ought to be doing]: SlEePiNg
[first crush]: JoE sTrUmMeR: cLaSh
[first kiss]: ThInK i WaS 12, CaN't ReMeMbEr
[first love]: LiKe I sAiD: tHiNk I hAvE, bUt NoT sUrE
[do you believe in love at first sight]: nOpE
[do you believe in "the one"]: nOpE
[are you a tease]: pEoPlE sAy I aM
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: nOpE
[honest]: wHeN i FeEl LiKe It
[sarcastic]: YeAh
[a daydreamer]: HhMmMm, SoRrY mIlEs AwAy
[up tight or laid back]: BiT oF bOtH
[messy or organized]: sEe AbOvE
[shy our outgoing]: sHy, UnTilL i GeT a DrInK iNsIdE mE
[nervous habits]: pIcKiNg My NaIls
[are you double jointed]: No
[can you roll your tongue]: No, It'S aLl In ThE gEnEs
[do you make your bed daily]: WhEn I'm NoT iN It, YeS
[which shoe goes on first]: rIgHT
[bought something]: yEp, AnD nOw BrOkE
[been sick]: nOpE (dOn'T lIkE iT)
[sang]: hElL nO
[missed someone]: yEp
[gotten drunk]: NoPe
[gotten a haircut]: YeP
[watched cartoons]: eVeRy DaMn DaY!!!!
[been kissed]: yEp
[lied]: YeP
[you spent the night with]: bOyFrIeNd
[spent the night with you]: BoYfRiEnD
[saw you cry]: mY bOsS
[made you cry]: mY bOsS
[you said "i love you" to]: bOyFrIeNd
[told you they loved you]: BoYfRiEnD
[the best feeling in the world]: sEeInG mY nIeCe SmIlE
[the worst feeling in the world]: wHeN yOuR sO lOw ThAt ThE oNlY CoMfOrT iS a KnIfE oN yOuR aRm
[your greatest fear]: SoMeOnE kNoWiNg WhO i AcTuAlLy Am
[the thing you want most in life]: To Be AnOtHeR pErSon
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who doesn't judge someone for who they are.

My Blog

I love Manga

Can't get enough of Manga, my whole bookshelf is covered with Tokyopop/Del Ray/Viz/Dark Horse. Plus some Japanese art books. One thing I've found recently is Manga online. Newest Japanese Manga c...
Posted by on Tue, 29 May 2007 14:52:00 GMT