~tHe RiPlEyS~ profile picture

~tHe RiPlEyS~

~happy 2007~

About Me

well lets see....i am 25, married, and have 2 children....my son michael is 7 and a lil hottie, and my daughter is 2 and a future actress, my husband well he is tall very tall...that is the first thing i think of when describin him, he is 6'7", he is very goofy just like me, that is why we get along so good, but when we fight we fight....we have actually done alot better with our differences and talkin about them and workin thru them...i used to b a big drinker and smoker(mary) but then i got a dui in jan of 06 that stopped me from smoking only b/c i had the asap classes but strangely enough i don't miss it, which is crazy i used to think i couldn live w/o it.....i still drank heavily though as did my hubby, in june 06 i lost my job a week later he lost his then we lost our house only renting though so thats good, upon all of that we split up too much to handle, i went to my moms and he wherever he could, after about two months we started talkin again, decided to make it work (we hope for good this time)...so since we want so badly to b together and b a family, we decided to stop drinking....hasnt been easy that is for sure but we have been doin GREAT.....we are in the church every sunday and thanking GOD for what he has done b/c if it wasnt for him who knows where we would b....we also attend a becomin one class at the church which helps us to learn how to communicate and understand eachother better....all in all, life is so much better w/o the alcohol....i still have urges especially when i get ticked off but then i am so happy for not runnin to it when i feel like that, my hubby drank more then anyone i have ever known and i am so overly excited at the fact that he has been able to just drop it also....i thought i wouldn ever see that day, which just goes to show that GOD does answer prayers...so we are gettin over our past and movin on to a wonderful and blessed future for us our children and our family as a whole Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

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