I’m Jo,I am tatooist at Creative Body art in coventry,
The Studio address is :
Creative Body Art
Grayswood Avenue,
(Off Holyhead Rd)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 6:00
I'm a specialist in custom tattoo and design !! you just tell me what you want i can do it !! So........ If any one is would to get tattoo by me and plz send me an inbox message with you idears and i'll see what i can do just for you ..... Or feel free to come by the shop (adress above) Come and a chat with me !!
I love art, it’s the only thing iv ever been good at in my life. My fav artists are Brom, William Blake and Gunther Von Hagens...
I love to make thing like clothes, boot covers, hair falls, bags ect... and like to do wool wraps to.
I’v got a great boyfriend called Jon, he shit at doing the pots LOL.... I'm best friend is the ginger one Chris ( He has FUCKING MOVED AWAY !!) and these no one I hate apart from HIM and one of my biggest dislike are people that try to fit in, why cant we just be who we are is it that hard, if people don’t like you for who you are fuck them just be yourself!!! My likes and lovE...
Going to Downloads fesT (SHIT NOW)...
Dressing uP...
Seeing my friend Chris (CUNT)...
Wool wraps/hair fallS...
Getting piecinG...
Hanging out with my sister and Joe...
Going the creW...
My little sisteR even if some day i HATE her...
SmokinG (fags)...
Being happY...
Staying up all nigtH...
Going on walK...
Happy peoplE...
MusiC (One of my biggist loves in the worlD)...
ChocolatE (Yom yom yom yoM)...
ArT (I dont think i could life with out my arT)...
The Crows (One of my fav films)...
The Lion KinG (Maby sad but i love the lion knig its one of my all time favs)...
Ginger snaps'S(I love all 3)...
Nigthmar before chistmaS (My little sister love this filM)...
Going to gigS...
My boyfriend Jon...
The suN...
Watching T.V...
Reading booK...
Seeing friendS...
Meeting new poeplE...
Really poeplE...
Making clotheS...