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guys layout @ HOT
this is my (chantz Clayton) thoughts on the word boredom...a word typically used as an exuse to talk to others ; sometimes used in a conversation anywhere between 2 and 6 AM; often a main theme of many bulletins; used as an excuse for filling in those stupid surveys though the real reason to do it is so people will notice you; a word that probably every myspace user has said; when a bad situation occurs that involves something u said that was wrong....u did it out of boredom...right ; those very rare sometimes the word boredom is used properly like when u are sitting in a banquet of some sort or watching a golf tournament or reading this paragraph you are experiencing boredom.....;;;;yes the word boredom is an overused word that comes in many forms like -- the root word bore also includes the following--bored, boring, to bore, to be bored, boredness, boredworld--hard to say, and many others so next time u say ur bored.................find a lighter and burn urself
MAN movies
no k
Chuck, Dirk, Mr. Manes