writing, guitar, making my own art, attempting to play tennis, psychology (aging; death/dying/bereavement), Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, Minnesota Twins, family and friends, class/gender/race, garlic cheese bread, taking walks, ASL, grilling, flag football/soccer/softball, being too cool for school
Cary Grant, if he wasn't dead.
There is very little I dislike. Atmosphere is my favorite, though.
The Sound of Music, Austin Powers, Office Space, Super Troopers, Roger & Me, Bridget Jones' Diary, Spanglish, Wayne's World, A Few Good Men, Sin City, Monty Python & The Holy Grail
How I Met Your Mother, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Office, Green Acres, Golden Girls, Sex And The City
To Kill A Mockingbird, This Fine Place So Far From Home: Voices of Academics from the Working Class, Dave Barry's Complete Guide To Guys, Ishmael
My grandparents.