Playing music; Listening to music; Watching Tv; Drinking; Skim-boarding; Socialising; Playing darts; Drinking; Eating fine Quisine; Watching DVDs with the volume right up; Smoking; Drinking!
Steven Tyler, Joe Satriani, Me in the future, Ronnie O'Sullivan, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, A dog that can fly, God? Uma Therman, Bill Baily, Dylan Moran, Eric Roche, Norman Cook, Edith Bowman, Tony Blair, The woman who plays Emanuelle, Someone with a free keyboard.
A little bit of everything and a whole lot of love.
Anything directed by Kevin Smith or Quentin Tarantino; Lots of comedy; Films that make me cry (not that I cry at films); Leon; Garden State; Almost Famous; Pulp Fiction; Reservoir dogs; Once Apon a Time in Mexico; Chasing amy.
Scrubs; Green Wing; Friends; Discovery; Snooker; Music Channels; Whatever looks best after I've fliked through all the channels ten times.
Any non-fiction comedy with an adult undertone.
My Dad - Fucking ace! Just perfect!