*the day ii saw the iinfamous jo-jo ugh iim glad he happy wiit that bootsy biitch better her than me* ii've learned my lesson..."stay away from dread heads"
iim at a poiint iin mt liife where all ii can really do iis siit back and thiink..DEEPLY.!!!
umm..wow what can ii say about thiis one..? nada iit says iit all!
thiis piic iis a piic full of paiin my tongue was hurtiin soooo BAD ii triied to smiile but that iish hurt liike a Mo-Fo...ha ha but iits coo now...holler♥
thiis piic iis my favoriite piic of me riight now even tho ii look hellaaa skiinny...you know why iit's my favoriite..? because ii just got off the phone wiith thiiss speciial person to me from jaiil.."hey bitich"
my top notch beautiiful / crazy friiends
ii have 1000's of bossy friends, no really ii do...lol!
my b-town luvaaa: AZA BOO
cousiin, boosum buddiie: NE GUTTA
my EX biitch: TANiiSHA..biitch liick iit off
cuzzn...fa play, play: MiiSS CRiiSTAL
my boo..lol! ha ha! don't be mad niisha: ARiiELLE BLOOD!
my niinja, wiit her down fo' whateva crazy ass: LiiL LADii3!
my cousiin's biitch: CHANiiSHA BOO!
he from the starz too.! but hiis name is: VARii RU
my musiic page: TRACY'S RADiiiO BABY!
thiis niigga riight here..my liil daddy: LONNiiE
my cousiin, she go...: LAViiNA!
looky, looky, you want a cookiie...my friiends!
Click here to make your Custom FriendsList!
am ii.???
UMmmm.....i thOUghT hE was GoNNa Be THe OnE i caLL mY puNKrOcK miStER! buT hE'S i dUnnO....I HaVe NOTHiNg MoRE To saY! iM SAd!!!
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