Dadeuce profile picture


I was born with a story!!!

About Me

Dadeuce, don't get it twisted. I wrote my first song April '05 and recorded it on a computer mic and look at me now. I'm in the studio doing collabs with cats from all over. It's by the grace of God man. I don't feel that I was called to do this but Poetry is my life and I live and breathe music. It amazes me sometimes with what I do with the pen. I don't wanna be the greatest alive or the best to ever do this, If I can just win souls then I'm good. Truthfully, I want to be the first artist to sell CD's for free(rebate) and not see a profit personally from any unit sold. Salvation is free so I can't put a price on that. You may think it's crazy but life is vapor and I can't take nothing with with me when I'm gone and what profits a man to gain the world and lose his soul in the process. The love of money is the root of all evil so I only want so much of it. And if I got rich off this It would com from donations or shows or something. I look my album as the little green bibles they give out, it's full of all you need to help you on your journey to heaven, and its free. Everything I write is from the heart. It's my life.... I give you me.... Its all I have.....

My Interests


Member Since: 7/30/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:Chunk up Dadeuce :
Influences: I picked up a pad when I heard DMX first cd so I guess I can say that gave me a spark. Jay-Z, 50 cent and now Lil' Wayne taught me that you can have the tightest song the best beat and it will flop if you don't have the delivery. It's all about the delivery. It took me a year to get my swag up on the mic. But most of all I was born with a story that I was supposed to get out. God placed me in situations to go through things so I could be a living testimony, cause I'd put the mic down if I wasn't winning any souls.Dats Whats Up :
Sounds Like: I sound like me. I'm not trying to do anything that I've heard anybody else do. I don't want to ever be compared to somebody or be the next..... I know I can't aviod it as I progress but I strive to be different. If I was like someone else what would make you wanna listen to anything that I would have to say. (Good Question)
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Rap Moses & Aaron the Leader

The Mixtape is on
Posted by Dadeuce on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:37:00 PST

MixTape "The Rap Moses & Aaron the Leader"

The Wait is over... The time is here... "The Rap Moses & Aaron the Leader" mixtape is given to you from me... Follow the link and download it for free and I promise you will be blessed. If for som...
Posted by Dadeuce on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:17:00 PST