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About Me

My Interests

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Singing, dancing, writing music and poetry. I love to communicate alot. Yes I run my mouth a 1000 miles an hour but it is all love. I love to make people laugh and I love to laugh. Quoting movies is my speciality. I am really a woman who loves to please everyone in my circle whether you are a family, a friend or a lover I got your back.

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LIFE will make you gooo CRAZY

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Right now I am really diggin Ciara and I really don't know why yes I can dance her ass off man..what you gone do do yeah that shit had me stuck. As for a male artist I would have to say Marques Houston..He is fine ass hell and he can sing and his demeanor seems cool..
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All movies..Didn't I just tell that movies is my thing..keep up..naw neways movies is the shit..The creator of movies was a genius in my book..its true entertainment. Man Ima call Da white...da white who? and I bet you know the rest of this joke and what movie it came from and I bet you can remember that you cracked the hell up because that Mike Epps is a fool right...lolYour results:
You are Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman 83%
The Flash 80%
Hulk 60%
Supergirl 53%
Superman 50%
Iron Man 50%
Spider-Man 45%
Robin 40%
Green Lantern 40%
Catwoman 30%
Batman 25% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz


Again the same with movies Tv is my thing too. I love the show All of us..and I love the show girlfriends because in away feel like the character Joan is me in so many ways in one particular way is the way we see marriage and is a trip how much tv can teach you about yourself.

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My favorite book is, The coolest Winter Ever...a real girl gangsta type of book.

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My heroes is my mother who was a single parent of 3 of us and with the help of my other hero my late Grandmother..Mattie Horton God bless her soul, they raise some pretty good kids..even though we fight, we fuse and curse each other we love the hell out of each others..From the Horton's where it all the Moore's. Price's. Greene's. Mugruder's. Colter's and there's many more of the family line of names but we love you all the same...muah..

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My Blog

Turn the other cheek

In the Bible, God says that we are to be servants to each other. So why is it that when one backs out of a fight and turn the other cheek to avoid conflict, or you put other needs before your own you ...
Posted by Kimistri on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 11:05:00 PST


Love is a gift cherish it while you can..
Posted by Kimistri on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:32:00 PST


Why is that when you get old you finally realize what life is really about by that time its to late
Posted by Kimistri on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 01:57:00 PST