This is the worst part, writing about yourself. Of course no one is going to write anything bad about themselves but what is even worst is that you can't toot your own horn without feeling like a jerk. So before you read on I'm going to let you know about me and my music. I don't sound like Bob Dylan even though I believe everyone with a guitar in their hands sitting in a coffee shop wishes they do(this includes me). But like Bobby D I do believe in lyrics over voice. I get feed back saying I need work on it and I also get feed back about how it orginal and it's awesome. I look at it like this... I'm only kid! I haven't yet mastered my craft, even though I feel like I've as a writer after I write song. What I guess I'm trying to say is that I'm not perfect and niether is music, that's why we're so close. People ask me why I write songs but since i've been doing it for many years its like something I have to do. What helps me in writing is that I'm my own biggest fan so I always want to he a new song. I just write to satisfy myself. LOL!(sorry about the lol)
BOI: Ever since RASAN was 13 years old he's been writing songs and at age of 15 he finally picked up a guitar. RASAN's sound is always changing but there themes are pretty similar. He write song about youth, change, and of course love. Lack, yerning, missing and love. Most of his songs are just stories from which he his play the protagonist and there are others he's telling you everything that he's felt and is presently feeling.
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