Hiking, climbing, camping, biking, scuba diving, sky diving, paintballing, bowling, cars, softball, soccer, basketball, and I'm a huge movie buff. So if you're up for the challenge send a movie quote!
Ryan Reynolds or Kevin Spacey, my two favorite actors. Tim Buckley is pretty darn cool too, creator of www.CtrlAltDel-online.com.
I listen to pretty much all types, it really depends on my mood. Music I usually don't get in the mood for though is hard rap, or hard metal. I really enjoy anything with a good beat. Current cd: Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Where to start... Van Wilder, The Usual Suspects, Super Troopers, Shawshank Redemption, Resevoir Dogs, Goonies, Hackers, Shaun of the Dead, Donnie Darko, Kung Pow, Napoleon Dynamite...gosh, Shaolin Soccer, anything from Kevin Smith, and the list goes on...
Scrubs, House, Heroes, Smallville, Supernatural, Dresden Files, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Lost
In my final semester at Sac State, all my reading is mandatory so I don't really have time for recreational reading.
"Ferris Bueller, you're my hero."