Polina profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a simple girl, most people's first impression of me would be an innocent person that always goes home to work and doesn't have much fun. But first impression's aren't always correct. I work hard, and party hard. I believe in all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but I also believe that hard work pays off.

I love drawing, I'm Eastern European, and I have an addiction to figure drawing, redbull, and peircing.

I have 7 peircings:
-6 ears (although 2 got infected)
-1 navel

I also don't believe in being false, I am who I advertise myself to be, and if you don't like me for that then I'm sorry it wasn't ment to be.

The original MySpace Map! Click here to make your own! This map is wrong I'm California

And before I forget... I don't add people to friends list, unless I've already met you, or your a friend of one of my friends. This includes bands

My Interests

Art Related
Concept Art, Character Design, Creature Design, Matte Renderings, Environmental Design, Vechicle Design, Figure Drawing, Painting, Sketching

Life Style
Body Peircings, Raving, Clubing, Hiking, Exercising, Swimming, Traveling

Gymnastics, Kendo, Diving, Swimming

Susuki GSX R, Yamaha R-6, Daytona Truimph, Toyota Supra Twin Turbo, Honda Civic Hybrid

Cats, Exotic Wildlife


Now Playing: Digitally Imported's Vocal Trance station.

Digitaly Imported
Trance, Hard Trance, Vocal Trance, Eurocheese, Chillout, Happy Hardcore, Drum and Bass, Breaks

OtherBreak Beat, New Age, Rock, J-Pop, Some Metal, Some Hiphop, Some Pop


Science Fiction
The Fifth Element, Back to the Future Episodes, Blade Runner, The Matrix, Terminator 1

Romantic Comedies
Meet the Fockers, Happily Ever After, Picture Perfect, How To Loose A Guy in 10 Days

Harry Potter, Interview with a Vampire, Blade

Animation Shrek 1+2, Toy Story, Monster's Inc

Forest Gump, The Last Samurai, Memoirs of a Geisha


I dont watch much TV but if I do its one of these:

Hey Arnold, Invader Zim

Animal Related
Emergency Vets, Growing Up ___, Animal Precinct

Comedy One Night Stand, Any George Carlin Show, Who's Line is it Anyways

Law and Order, Good Eats


Concept Art Books
Syd Mead - Sentury, The Skillful Huntsman - Khang Le, Mike Yamada, Felix Yoon, Scott Robertson, Matte Painting - Alp Altiner, Dylan Cole, Chris Stoski

Illustration Books
Spectrum Series, The Chesley Awards, Fantasy and Science Fiction Techniques

Art Books
Harley Brown - Essential Truths for Every Artist

Science Fiction
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game trilogy, Orson Scott Card - Memories of Earth

Mercedes Lacky and Andrew Norton - Elven Bane, Mercedes Lacky - The Fire Rose

Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden


Concept Artists
Syd Mead, Scott Robertson, Feng Zhu, Ryan Church, James Clyne, Craig Mullins, Giger, Hester, Kevin Chen, Khang Le

Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, Stephanie Lostimolo, Luis Royo, John Zeleznik, Todd Lockwood

Fine Artists
Richard Schmid, Harley Brown, Ignat Ignatov

The Old Masters
Peter Paul Rubens, Pierre Paul Prud'hon, Leonardo Da Vinci