[x]Hang out with friends
[x]The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[x]Taking Back Sunday
[x]Panic At The Disco
[x]My Chemical Romance
[x]Blink 182
[x]Fight Club
[x]DC Mountain Lab
[x]Family Guy
[x]South Park...
Pshh naww i don't read..
Katie "FLIPPIN" Wyatt.
The radest fucking girl on earth. My big sister and most amazing chick ever.. she deff has my back and i have hers.
Dont fuck with her. If you succeed to get on her bad side.. your FUCKED!ha. I love ya katie wyatt.
autumn v she is so fun to be wlth i fuckin love her.
kaite copland I LOVE HER SO MUCH (:
jesica is amazing she is so nice she fuckin ROCKS