many things such as.., you know...
good peopLe...
-okkerviL River--the good life--no knife--mewithoutYou-+Emery+-the bLood brothers--Long WaLk Home- -the coLour- -the Life- -vhs or beta- -Moving Units- -the Burnettes- -the faint- -bLisk- -amos Lee- -french kicks- -and you'll know us..- -shearwater- -braziL- -meTric- -DnteL- -RacheLs- -At the Drive-In- -sparta- -Norma Jean- -Aka's- -saosin- -the shins- -pedro the Lion- -tegan and sara- - the outline- -controlling the famous- -caviL at rest- -Low- -red knife lottery- -stricken- -airpLanes- -hoomdorm- -kill me tomorrow- -decemberists- -venice is sinking- -head automatica- -distilers- -Bjork- -mars voLta- -bLonde Redhead- -pretty girLs make graves- -azure ray- -denaLi- -the gLoria record- -thursday- -straylight run- -death cab for cutie -super drag- -wiLco- -aberdeen- -the and/ors- -ides of space- -waxing- -eLefant- -gand daddy- -gym-cLass hero- -snow patroL- -cursive- -midnight movies- -the unicorns- -iLya- -eLLiot smith- -late tuesday- -ateriavia- -Fireside- -the dropscience- -reubens accomplice- -the jealous soung- -anberlin- -subseven- -Norma Jean- -Haste the Day- -eXtoL- -watashi wa- -copeLand- -cooLhand Luke- -skiLLet- -strawberry- -the cardigans- -mirah- -for stars- -angeLs of light- -mae- -dresden doLLs- -the eLected- -paper- -tiger army- -hot hot heat- -morrissey- -baby Land- -evan anthem- -Lets go saiLing- -the gazz- -darci cash- -the hanks- -audio pilot- -taLL as Lions- -spiLL canvas- -Rocky VotaLato- -the Bravery- -the beatLes- -pink floyed- -fLeetwood mac- -johnny cash- -country- -cat stevens- -my whoLe buddy list---
brave heart - moulin rouge - aLmost famous - return to me - motorcycle diaries ....
don't know anymore
The Holy Bible...................
Apostle PauL-My Best Friends Matt and Eric(USMC) Scott Bauer(Promoted to a higher calling) US Millitary, Anyone who died serving my country.