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About Me

My personal story

I have been a reseach physicist and college teacher for most of my life, have seen a lot of ups and downs, of joys and sorrows. Tried to find the key to a better life in the "transcendental meditation" movement. Never found it, they don't have it.

Some 5 years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ entered into my life. From the beginning, the relationship with Him has been personal and intimate. As He had promised, I was able to hear His voice in my mind (not audibly) and know His spiritual presence in my heart.
An important issue for walking with Christ was and is to learn spiritual discernment, to be able to tell the voice of the Lord from the voices of lying spirits. Not everything that is heard in the spirit is of God. You can read about some of my experiences here. In the end, it comes down to truly knowing who God is, and what He is like, as He relates to us, His human creations.

I am discovering more and more that He is a good God. He loves us, atthough He does not love our vices. I am finding the He is faithful. He has made clear promises valid under clearly defined conditions. I see Him keeping them, as I keep my side of the contract, and trust Him for His. This is an exciting and sometime scary process, because I have to trust and let go of hedging my bets.

But this, I found, is the only life worth living. A life of loving service to Him, trusting Him for all and with all.

The bigger picture: Beyond Revival

Reading the Bible, it quickly became obvious to me that the Lord is calling us to be members of His Body, the Church. I believe that this also means to be a member of a local church, a local congregation. Without that, the very notion of a body looses its meaning

The Lord graciously lead me into a bible believing, spirit filled apostolic church. Looking around, I realized that large parts of the Body of Christ are without power, without life, caught in religious traditions or putting their hope in man-made programs.

A situation recognized and lamented by many, but what is the root cause? Why have all revivals been so short lived? What distinguished the early church from what came later?

What will it take to have a vibrant Church without spot or wrinkle, a Church where the glory and power of God can find a place of habitation? The glory of God could manifestly dwell with man under the Old Covenant. How much more should He be able to dwell among us under the New Covenant, where the veil has been rent, and our righteousness is forever secured in Christ.

How can we dare to set out and try to do the work of the Lord, when He cannot even dwell among us? Moses certainly didn't feel he could do it.

These are burning questions, to which we need an answer, before rushing into action. And I suspect that

1) the Lord has the answer and He has already given it in His Word,
2) He is not holding back the revelation of it from us,
3) He is looking for a remnant of people that are willing to ask the answer from Him in humility, and to do His bidding, working together in love as member of His body.

As for me, I am determined to receive the answer from the Lord. I am determined to join my hands in love with everyone of like mind, to fight the good fight of faith, to build the house of the Lord, to do His bidding, not ours.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who make themselves available to the Lord to bring true reformation to His Church.

My Blog

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 6 - Instructions For Spiritual Warfare

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 6 - Instructions For Spiritual Warfare The teaching part of Ephesians concludes with instructions for spiritual warfare. Eph 6:10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Oct 2010 07:28:00 GMT

Cosmic Accidents - Or Intelligent Design

Cosmic Accidents - Or Intelligent Design The online edition of New Scientist is running an article about 10 highly unlikely facts/events that made the existence of planet earth and human life possibl...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:13:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 6: Love and Submission In Family And Workplace

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 6: Love and Submission In Family And Workplace Looking back at Chapter 5, we realize that the entire chapter is dealing with the theme of love and submission, first s...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Aug 2010 14:37:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 5  Love and Submission In Marriage

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 5  Love and Submission In Marriage Dear Lord, what is your will and your word for me, about Eph: 5:22-33?  This is my will and my word, that you should obey the t...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 07:21:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 5  Understanding The Will Of The Lord

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 5  Understanding The Will Of The Lord In the first part of Chapter 5, the Holy Spirit gives us a clear vision of the consequences of disobedience, of our failing to ...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Aug 2010 05:20:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  Putting Off The Old Man

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  Putting Off The Old Man In Eph 4: 1-16, Paul has laid out the calling of the Body of Christ and its offices, to perfect and equip the saints and to build itself u...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Aug 2010 05:12:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  The Body Of Christ Building Itself In Love

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  The Body Of Christ Building Itself In Love When Christ ascended, He gave gifts unto men, the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists and the pastors and teachers...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 05:05:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  The Gifts Of Christ

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  The Gifts Of Christ In Eph 4:1-6, the Holy Spirit is leading us to walk in humility and unity. It is the grace of God that enables us to do so. Christ released th...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Aug 2010 07:14:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  Walking In Humility And Unity

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 4  Walking In Humility And Unity In Chapters 1 to 3, the Holy Spirit has revealed to us the eternal purpose of God, and our calling as sons of God. Both corporately ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Aug 2010 05:03:00 GMT

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 3 - The Fellowship Of The Mystery

Epistle To The Ephesians Chapter 3 - The Fellowship Of The Mystery Paul is walking in his ministry with great humility, and with great awareness of his calling, to build the Assembly, the Body of Chr...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jul 2010 05:44:00 GMT