LaLa profile picture


a replica aint nothing like the ORIGINAL!!!!

About Me

Me! thats it, too hard to explain the entricacies that I call myself. I am generally always happyyou can catch me with a huge smile on my face 24-7. I keep my air drama free, aand try to only deal with those who have aspirations to step outside of their comfortable box of normalcy. I love love love to read. I try to read at least 3 books a week. I tend to be around a great group of postive people because spreads like aids in third world countries. My philosophy for the interpersonal relationship is simple; those who are not lifting you up are dragging you down with there dead weight, so cut there behinds lose so you can move more quickly.on the other side of things, I have alot of fun, travel nearly every weekend doing different things. I aspire to be an politician one day. I am only on step one of that plan which is undergrad in business , then the mba in international business,juris doctorate in international law and the PhD in government. Other than that I plan to own a few businesses doing various things in the field of health as a whole "DAY SPAs", thats a work in progess.I currently run track but soon as May2007 comes I plan to throw those dang on shoes away for good, cause its tearing my body down.Let me make one thing crystal clear. I AM NOT SOLICITING DATES through this website, you wanna chat then send something to talk about. I dont need no date from this website so stop with the whats goods messages and the hit me up if you trying ot chill BECASUE I AM NOT TRYING TO CHILL WITH ANY DAMN STRANGERS. First of all who does that, come at people you dont kno with that kind of boldness. Maybe those aroudn the way hoes you are looking to do that so not me. IF thats all you have to say then REFRAIN from messaging me PERIOD. I am friendly person, I will conversate through this and get to know more people, but if u need a date go to love dot com or something. UGH AGGRAVATED in 2006 guys are so typical!!!!
Name: LaVonne
Birthday: Halloween
Birthplace: Palm Beach
Current Location: Hampton Va 757
Eye Color: Grey (brown)
Hair Color: Blonde and brown
Height: 5'7
Right Handed or Left Handed: left handed
The Shoes You Wore Today: 3 inch prada pumps to church, smeakers afterwards
Your Weakness: good food
Your Fears: not making the most of my life
Your Perfect Pizza: no chesse, plenty sauce and grilled chicken
Your Most Overused Phrase On an IM: Lol,lmao, chillin
Thoughts First Waking Up: go brush your teeth
Your Best Physical Feature: smile
Your Bedtime: whenever i fall asleep sometimes 10pm sometimes 5am
Your Most Missed Memory: being young and everything being so easy
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: burger king burgers mcdonalds chicken selects or fries
Single or Group Dates: single dates
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocalate and vanilla swirled together
Cappuccino or Coffee: frappuccino
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Swear: yea too much
Do you Sing: yea real loud
Do you Shower Daily: yea
Have you Been in Love: yea
Do you want to go to College: in college already and cant wait to be finished
Do you want to get Married: maybe
Do you belive in yourself: yea
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: yea
Are you a Health Freak: not really
Do you get along with your Parents: yea
Do you like Thunderstorms: yea
Do you play an Instrument: trombone and i can play almsot anything brass
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes once
In the past month have you Smoked: no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes
Have you ever eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: yes
Ever been Beaten up: no
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: dont want to die
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: WEALTHY
What country would you most like to Visit: Australia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: doesnt matter
Favourite Hair Color: doest matter
Short or Long Hair: if its clean cut or freshly done it doesnt matter
Height: taller than me by at least 2 inches... so i can feel comfortable in heels
Weight: athletic or slim not fraile
Best Clothing Style: individual
Number of Drugs I have taken: none
Number of CDs I own: who cares
Number of Piercings: minimal , definitely no tongue rings or lip rings or eyebrow
Number of Tattoos: doesnt matter
Number of things in my Past I Regret: its your life
Name? La
Age? 20
Sex? female
Do you kiss on the first date? hell no ... you cant just be out kissing all willie nillie
Do you like to kiss? i like to kiss occasionally, but its gets wack and monotonice real quick
Are you involved wit anyone? hum..... you would like to kno wouldnt you... something like that
Kissing or Cuddling? cuddlin in a cold room
Ever been in love? yea
Last person to break your heart? fuck that nigga
Are you a virgin? i wish
Person you wish would love you back? i dont wish anything like that... they do or they dont ... dont give out to much rope to get hung on and u never have to worry about having a one sided set of feelings... this aint tug of war
Would you consider yourself a freak? lol i wouldnt but HE might
Long relationships or Flings? i mean you live you learn and you get luvs.... so u got ot go to some flings to really appreciate and ackonowledge the real thing when it beocmes a long relationship... but its nothing better in the world than feeling the love of a long term partner
Whats ur ideal date? dinner at a new restuarant wtih great food, walk on the beach, great thought provoking conversation, sex on the beach lol the drink in front of the fire place and cuddling to some stevie or luther
Favorite Sport to play? Track and field , tennis
Favorite Sport to watch? i dont watch that shit lol but probably football. Sports be too damn long when u aint participating
Who are your 4 best friends? Amber, John, Brandon W;T; M, Andrew, my lil sisters Sept and Rach and anyone who is truly close to me that I am missing right now blame my mind and not my heart its still all love... and fuck the number limit, real talk I my firends are better than friends they are family
Mountain Dew or Sprite Mountain DEW baha blast ( only sold at taco bell) and live wire for that extra hype
Last song u heard? unfaithful by rihanna
Something you did once and wont wanna try it again? lying to someone i really care about
Closest person to you? my momma
Religious/go to church or Spiritual/Believe in God but don't attend church? cop out question... i am SPIRITUAL yet i do beleive that you go to church to fellowship with other christians and to hear another persons interpreation of the word ... so its good sometimes .... beleive only have of what you see in that place though and very little from those people who seem tooooo extra
Favorite part about being you? ima individual free thinker who is hardly swayed by outsdie forces of reality
Last person u kissed? hell is was so long ago i dont remember... no im joking really it was the infamous HIM
Favorite food? cucumber soup (korean kind) and fried okra
Celebrity you would like to fuck? gross they all got std's probably beucase they fuck those random people who hang aroudn there hotel rooms lol ... but i would fuck Usher in a dream or something
Like it rough or slow? depends on the mood... but slow is so much more meaning ful
Last person you kissed? didnt u just ask me this shit
Do you consider yourself a good kisser? im sure there are better cherry stem tiers out there but i think im straight
Biggest wish?? too see more young minorities striving to be more than the generation that proceeds them.
Would you ever make out with someone outside your race/religion? hell everyone is outside of my race lol but yeai dont care about superficialty that was brought about through people who only defense against a strong group is to seperate them... human kind
- Would you ever make out with someone who is ugly? beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Would you ever make out with someone who is really fat/really thin? ok well i just aint into that whole fat thing ... personal decisions led you there and it just aint for me ... too hot always.... and really thin needs to eat something
Would u ever makeout with someone with bad hygiene: hell no
Who do you want to make out with right now?: him only
Who do you want to have sex with right now?: him only
Are you a kitten in bed: what the fuck does that mean
Sarah McLachlan or Wild Monkey? neither
Where is the weirdest place you've ever had sex? not really into that weirdo shit but probably on a bathroom sink
Are you comfortable being naked around people? i aint no exibitionist
What gives you goosebumps? um... are u serious?... walking in the snow with no coat on
[The Morals]
Would you kiss someone you don't love? maybe if i liked them enough
Would you have sex with someone you don't love? i have before ... but sex is sex and love is love .... it should be deeper than sex to really be enjoyed
Do you believe in sex before marriage? yea cause i dont believe in cheating or divorce ... and bad sex is irreconcilable differences
Have you ever been in love? yea
Do you want to get married? maybe
[The Ending]
What is the time? 11:44pm
How long did this take you? like 10 minutes cause i have alot of shit to say... and SOMEONE BETTER LISTEN!!!
Did you enjoy this? it was straight
Are you a pervert? no
What did you do most during this survey? type
Any final thoughts? live in the moment, have no regrets just new knowledge, and dont repeat the same thing looking for differnt results because then you will be insane
Ever Shoplifted: im rich bitch
How do you want to Die: in a way in which i didnt see coming
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: successful
What country would you most like to Visit: australia... is st barth's a country? what did i get in geography
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: i answered this already so see the above
Favourite Hair Color: ditto
Short or Long Hair: ditto
Height: ditto
Weight: ditto
Best Clothing Style: ditto but addendum i like a guy who is comfortable in whatever it is that he chooses to wear... self concious is a female trait
Number of Drugs I have taken: ditto
Number of CDs I own: ditto
Number of Piercings: ditto
Number of Tattoos: ditto
Number of things in my Past I Regret: ditto

My Interests

running, modeling, eating out at differnet random restaurants, doing hair, shopping online and at various malls outside of my local area, reading good books, and meeting new people that expose me to different types of lifestyles.

I'd like to meet:

free thinkers, people who are interested in business, models, people who run track, people who are enjoying life


dont really listen to music but I tolerate whatever is playing on the radio while I drive


I like comedies and old stuff and I watch them over and over again. Like The Color Purple, Friday, Ghost of Mississippi, Rosewood, Malcolm X


ANTM, Project runway, greys anatomy, my super sweet sixteen,CNN, Local news on cable, whatever else is on the tv when I turn it on


anything that has to do with business, love novels, the writings of nietzche, many philoshers


any person who is aspiring to do something out of their comfort zone and societal norms
How to make a
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts ego
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail