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The Stone 0x Experience

About Me

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Stoneox was formed in 1999 with the intent to pump out tunes that would keep u thinking what could be next?! To see a stoneox gig is not a normal gig, it is more like a show which has been the idea from the start & has got bigger & better as the years have gone on.
Stoneox take a lot of influence of bands such as budgie, black sabbath, led zepplin & kiss which are all famous for putting on great live shows which people can't help but remember.
In 2001 Stoneox put out it's debut cd "This is ox" which has 7 tracks & released a single "Substance 35 (Godzilla)" with 2 extra tracks of new demo songs.
Then in 2003 Stoneox, with another local band called Turbodegenerate (which featured 2 members of Stoneox) put out a split 6 track ep called "Obey your masters" which soon after saw the departure of their bass player nick. He was replaced with heath who was a big fan of the band in the past & fitted into the line up easily which made them a strong unit again in no time.
In 2005 they released their 2nd cd "stoneox" (or as some say "The brown album") which has 5 songs but put into 2 track format like A&B sides so you have to listen to all the cd to get the real stoneox live experience.
2007 should be a big year for Stoneox as they are writting a new album which promises to be bigger & better then anything they have done before. So if you see the name stoneox on a gig poster clear your callender & go watch the stoneox experience!!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/30/2006
Band Members: The trio consists of Pete with vocals and lead guitar, Heath on bass and Neil on drums.
Influences: Budgie, Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Grand Funk Railroad, Fu-Manchu,Nebula, Kyuss,
Sounds Like: Put Budgie, Grand Funk and Black Sabbath in a blender and you get the taste and sounds of Stone Ox!
Type of Label: None