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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a ColdFusion programmer and web designer who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. I love art, music, and creativity in general. I am Italian and Czech and I love both cultures (and the food - I love to cook). I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin in a very "normal" household. It was a great place to be a kid. Looking back at my childhood, I remember a lot of love, laughter, and music. My mom and grandma were always singing, and my dad was always listening to classical and big band music. In my life (so far) I've played the piano, guitar, trumpet, and French horn - I've played some better than others. I think making music to please yourself is what it's all about and if you're the only one who enjoys it, so be it!
I strongly support organic farming and smaller, family-owned farms and businesses because I believe these small, organic farms are going to save our planet. Pollution and overpopulation are very big issues to me and I think people need to start being more responsible with everything from where they buy their food to what they throw away.
While I love clothing, jewelry, make-up, and enjoy being "girly," I also love power tools!!! The Toolbelt Diva rocks... The Toolbelt Diva
I am open-minded and have a very diverse group of friends and get along with people from all walks of life. The people I seem to have the most problems with are the ones who claim to be very religious. Most don't practice what they preach and are raging hypocrites...
I wish I could be a vegetarian (I like most animals better than a lot of people I meet), but I tried it and it didn't work for me ... apparently, I am a carnivore. However, I shop at grocery stores that have humane practices when it comes to "food."

Lynda Carter interview ... I couldn't have said it better myself!

Lynda Carter - you go, girl!

I love Tiki Bar TV!
Be afraid, be very afraid...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Interesting, intelligent, and creative people, and new friends. I'm engaged, so I'm not looking for another relationship.
If you are a "friend" collector (it's not about quantity, people - at least not in my world) and you already have thousands of "friends," and we have nothing in common, I'm probably not interested - I don't "collect" friends.
Also, if your site has porn stars as friends, you don't need me as a "friend," so please don't waste my time.
I do not need Viagra, or to refinance my home, and I'm definitely not interested in being involved with your MLM, "guaranteed," online, bogus "business." So, if you are trying to sell me something, or involve me in your internet scam, piss off and don't waste my time!!!

My Blog

Pigeons, pigeons, and more pigeons

Rurik and I have a long history of rescuing a variety of little critters (including several pigeons) and taking them to the Wildlife Rehab Center in Roseville. Well, today was no different. I had so...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 19:16:00 GMT

Windoze Vista....

Okay ... a couple of months ago, I got a new laptop with Vista installed on it.  After about a $1,000 in software upgrades, it works pretty well.  If any of you are thinking about upgrading ...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 19:23:00 GMT

I’m Chief!!! ...and I so wanted to be Number Six :(

.."  >You scored as CPO Galen Tyrol, You never wanted to be a glamorous Viper pilot.  You are happy knowing that without you to fix their bir...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 18:54:00 GMT

Super Villain Quiz Results

Okay - I had to take the quiz, and here are the results: Your results:You are Poison Ivy ..> ..> Poison Ivy 57% Mystique 57% Catwoman 51% Dark Phoenix 45% Lex Luthor 43% Dr....
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 18:19:00 GMT