You scored as Hardstep. Hardstep. Go beat somebody into a pulp :)). At least you have a lot of energy, that's not bad either. Just don't use it to harm people, OK?
Experimental DNB
Liquid Funk
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Anything with a lot of bass, such as: Drum'n Bass, Jungle, Dubstep, breaks.... I even dig some hip hop... Immortal Technique, Sage Francis, The Streets, Atmosphere, C-rayz wallz, that sort of thing.
What kind of techno music are you?
You are drum and bass!
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Waking Life, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Usual Suspects, Pi, National Treasure, Pulp Fiction, Requiem for a Dream, Momento. A few additions: Boondock Saints, Common Decent Criminal, and Short Bus.
rots your brain. Sheild your self from the propaganda machine. PBS/bbc a safe bet..
This is where I live, my love is what I give, my head is my home, my thoughts are my throne
Dj Hive, JFK, MLK, and Dick Van Dike