Mr. Irresistible Badass profile picture

Mr. Irresistible Badass

Fear is the culture of America

About Me

Broke ass hole with a set of turntables and a mountain of records.......................... Visit For Your Own Custom Music Player..
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My Interests

You scored as Hardstep. Hardstep. Go beat somebody into a pulp :)). At least you have a lot of energy, that's not bad either. Just don't use it to harm people, OK?



Experimental DNB








Liquid Funk



What sub-genre of drum&bass are you?
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Anything with a lot of bass, such as: Drum'n Bass, Jungle, Dubstep, breaks.... I even dig some hip hop... Immortal Technique, Sage Francis, The Streets, Atmosphere, C-rayz wallz, that sort of thing. What kind of techno music are you?
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Waking Life, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Usual Suspects, Pi, National Treasure, Pulp Fiction, Requiem for a Dream, Momento. A few additions: Boondock Saints, Common Decent Criminal, and Short Bus.


rots your brain. Sheild your self from the propaganda machine. PBS/bbc a safe bet..


This is where I live, my love is what I give, my head is my home, my thoughts are my throne


Dj Hive, JFK, MLK, and Dick Van Dike

My Blog

Own the internet.

I recently joined AGLOCO because of a friend recommended it to me. I am now promoting it to you because I like the idea and I want you to share in what I think will be an exciting new Internet concept...
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 07:32:00 PST

A couple poems

Ok... so I wrote a couple poems or something... thoughts with a little ryme to them.... They won't get me an A in any creative writing class or anything and this isn't my genre of expression, but I ha...
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 02:46:00 PST

I'm a superstar.....

I just got a profile on It's got a bio and stuff. I'll get a mix or two up soon. Feel free to check it
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 09:30:00 PST

Loose change 2

loose change video the old link has been removed so I had to find it again incase anyone cares.
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 02:18:00 PST


So boarders become an issue because of terrorism, then because of illegal imagration. Now illegal immigration has been a problem since the "pioneers" came here, but no one has really raised a fuss unt...
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 10:45:00 PST

loose change.

I like this movie alot. Truth or not it raises alot of important questions and brings alot of information to light. If you have seen it before watch it. If you have not please take the time to do so. ...
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 11:04:00 PST

Is Uncle Sam a habitual liar?

Probly the best report on this topic I have seen. Well researched and well put together. It's over an hour so may take a while to load, but worth the here for video...
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:32:00 PST

Free Ipod nano

Recieve a free ipod nano. It's legit you can research it. It's a referal service. You have to buy a magazine or sign up for a credit card or something to that effect and refer people to the web site b...
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Sat, 24 Sep 2005 06:37:00 PST

Watch this

watch this shit. Seriously. Take the time to watch all of the vidio.
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Fri, 23 Sep 2005 06:12:00 PST

Makeshift Patriot

Sage Francis "makeshift patriot" (chorus) Makeshift Patriot the flag shop is out of stock I hang my self at half mast (x3) It's the makeshift the patriot the flag shop is out of stock I hang my self...
Posted by Mr. Irresistible Badass on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 09:53:00 PST