Tia of the Year! profile picture

Tia of the Year!

Dreams are for Children who havn't had their hearts broken!

About Me

Whats there to say, I'm a 22 yr old Cuban American. My names Jacqueline but most call me Jacque, except my brother who calls me Kiki. I enjoy reading, watching movies and learning new things. I love to laugh, so I'm usually smileing. I can be very outgoing and opinionated but always honest(sometimes to the point of being blunt) I'm very caring and considerate, which has caused me alot of trouble in the past but I wont change for anyone.I enjoy challenges and all kinds of odd (for my age) things. Like opera, video games, modern art and science museums.I am totally diffrent then most my age, not only in my interest but in my state of mind as well.I very much hate that I'm not doing anything school wise at the moment, but i'm working on transportation for that purpose. Hard to live in Miami without a car.I'm slow to get mad, unless my sports team is losing. I giggle and smile most of the time. I'm not as quiet as I seem just smart enough to think before I speak. My quietness isnt me being stuck-up its me listening to the people around me speak. If and When I have something to say, trust me I wont hesitate to say it.I am not totally fond of strangers so please take a minute to think before you message me with "wow your hot" or "damn baby can i have some of that" and maybe count to 20 or so before pressing send. Its not likly that a woman with my class and brains will respond well to that.Anything else Ask. Unless its my bra size or any other such stupid question =D

My Interests

Reading, Listening to music, reading, studying(funny that i enjoy it), World of Warcraft, Reading, singing in church or in the shower, Art (viewing), reading... did i mention reading?..

I'd like to meet:

All diffrent kinds of people. Mostly people who have their own opinion. I enjoy debating and am usually open minded about learning from other peoples experince. Since everyone sees things diffrently, I like seeing things from everyones point of view and then sorting it in my mind.


anything with a beat ..


Comedy!!!! Romance!! or something really really visually gross; blood guts body parts flying etc.. ..


CSI, Without a Trace, House MD, Law & Order SVU, Dancing With The Stars ..


anything i can get my hands on ..


My grandmother for coming to this country with 10cents and 4 kids and accomplishing so much ..

My Blog

Update 4.16.08

Ok So for those of you who don't know, i'm a TIA!!!!! My nephew Rowan, Born april10th 7:26am  at 6lbs 15oz 20in. is the cutest baby on the planet (till mine is born of course) I fell madly inlove...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:19:00 PST


Had a really good day, well week actually. I put up some new pictures for those that havn’t seen me getting fat. Love you all. Sorry if I’ve been MIA lately.
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 03:10:00 PST

Tense Tuesday 3.11.08

Today at work was super tense what with the big big boss coming to look in on our store. Checking the fitting room every 30 min made for a pretty long shift. All in all the day was ok, went by fast en...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:16:00 PST

The Best Conversation

Just had the nicest 3 hour conversation with a great friend of mine. I dont think i've been this happy in a long time. It was really nice to remeber that I have such a friend who I can tell anything t...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:23:00 PST


So i got some adorable pictures today but i cant scann them to put them in the computer so unless you see me in person I doubt you'll get to see. I've been told its nopt so impresive unless its your k...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 04:41:00 PST

2.8.08 Horse Tranquilizers

Another Doc appt. another heartbeat, well my blood pressure is down. And i lost a whole 3 pounds in the week since the last visit. I can't wait to go back to work before boredom takes over. Tho this w...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:51:00 PST

Updated 2.1.08

Haven't blogged in forever but here goes, I'm currently relaxing at home, I've become a bit of a neat freak in my old age. I have rearranged this room a couple times now and am devolping some OCD issu...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:07:00 PST

Men, Work, Life!

Men: It was definitly nice to met a guy who didnt try to jump my pants within the first hour or so of being in my company. Tho he did open doors, make me laugh, and complament me which is a big improv...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 01:31:00 PST

Memorial Day Weekend

So i'm getting ready for work, trying to  relax from a long hecktic weekend. And the fact that people are weird has just been reinforced. No one thinks of anyone but themselves, for example i was...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Tue, 29 May 2007 10:02:00 PST

What A Horrid Day!

I woke up late, i had to listen to some crap the moment i got in the building(work). had to listen to fucking dramatic childrens crap "days of our lives" kind of shit. Had some other crap happen, had ...
Posted by Tia of the Year! on Fri, 25 May 2007 08:50:00 PST