Music is a big part in my life. To name a few of my favorites are DMB. BUS. Maroon 5. John Mayer. Garth Brooks. Kenny Chesney. George Straight. Tim and Faith. MXPX. Simple Plan. Def Leppard. KISS. Good Charlotte. Avril Lavigne and the list goes on and on and on.
Finding Nemo. Dumb and Dumber. Napolean Dynamite. Anchorman. Robots. The Notebook and plenty, plenty more.
Friends. Home Improvement. I'm not much of a tv watcher.
The B.I.B.L.E, that's the book for me. Jesus Freaks.
Jesus. Soldiers. My sister-in-law Ashley because she's always been there for me. My parents for always supporting my decisions in life even though they may have thought they were crazy.
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