I'm a very sarcastic person a lot of the time. I like sarcasm. I also like humor. I don't like idiocy, hypocrisy, and people who think that they're way cooLer than they really are. I also hate it when someone claims a political party and starts belting off about whatever the latest is on the TV without doing any independent research at all.
My friends are awesome people who have always been there for me and I'm sure always will be. Collaboratively, we're known as Team Friendship and we are all sooooo cooL. If you don't like my friends, there's a very high probability that I don't like you. A similar but opposite rule applies to people that my friends don't like. Team Friendship has played a large role in shaping who I am today and I'm damn happy about it.
I like computers and have been hacking away on them for a while now. As such, I work as a male prostitute at a colfax and am going to the University of Colorado at Denver for a Computer Science/Engineering degree. I'm happy with where I am in life and am excited to find out where I may go.
Music is amazing and I try my hardest to surround myself in it. I like listening to ska, punk, and whichever mixtures of ska and punk exist the most. I have been going to shows for a long time now, and I've bought a shirt at nearly every show I've ever been to. Interesting fact is that punk rock shows built the upper half of my body's wardrobe.
If there's anything else you'd like to know, be sure to ask.
I once had the greatest fort of all time in my backyard. Be sure to stop in and pay respects to Team Friendship's Fort of Fun (F 3 ) !
AIM ScreenName: 'to0g'