Christian profile picture


I'm rolling on sqaure wheels!!!

About Me

Hi my name is Christian and I am 18 years old.Richo, Millar, Mike cz, Doddy and Nick Cooper are probably my best mates ever, I dunno what I would do without them.I usualy go to bed at 10pm everyday and wake up at 3am for work, its probably pretty bad for me but so are alot of other things.I like to have a drink with friends.I am normaly a person who steps back and always try to get people out of fights and other stupid and dangerous situations.I pretty much hate violence cause I realy don't see the need for it.I think laughter and comedy are the best things, its what makes the world go around.I hate it when people are realy serious and I have no time for arrogant people.I like to ride my bike alot and I am normaly off riding random street spots or my local skatepark which is Deagon skate park.My favourite parks are Bundamba, Springfield, Deagon, Hibiscus Gardens and Woodridge.I tend to keep to myslef alot but love the company of many at the same time.I am reasonably shy at first and its sometimes mistaken for arrogance but once I know someone I can be rather loud and talkative.I am normaly pretty chilled out and easy going and tend not to get upset or mad often but I have an incredible temper.My temper is very rarely seen though even in the worst situations.I like to listen to music, film and edit video stuff, draw and have recently been getting into photography.My true friends are very important to me and I know who they are and you are all very much appreciated.I tend to sware a bit but at the same time I try to be well spoken and polite.I try to be the most giving, trustworthy and polite person I can be and if people think otherwise so be it!!!I am not on here to have 100000000 friends because that makes it hard to keep track of people I know.But if you wish to speak to me I have msn and aim so don't be afraid to message me.Take care everyone.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

SCOTT FOSTER.....Dunno, my favouite riders that I don't already know.Other cool and genuine people.Take care.


At The Drive In, Underoath, The sounds, Milemarker, Magnum, Dick Town Boys, Nightfist, Jack's Manequin, Adam Banton, The Mannie Kids, Acceptance, Hiller, Iggy Pop, Maxeen, Grade, The Jealous Sound, Devo, Cake, Rise Against, Nightfist, The Ramones, The Grates, Shellac, Pinback, The Mars Volta, Statistics, The Adolecents, Built To Spill, Rainer Maria, Metric, Souls Of Mischief, Fleet Wood Mack, From Ashes Rise, Snapcase, Thursday, Thrice, The Police, Dark Lay Still, Helicopter Helicopter, The Appleseed Cast, Motley Crue, Serotonin, Bayside, Pilot To Gunner, Prayer for Cleansing, The Monkeys, The Shins, Cursive, The Get Up Kids, The Forecast, Girls Against Boys, The Dandy Worhols, Hint Hint, The Polyphonicspree, Le Tigre, Turbonegro, The Firebird Band, Bloc Party, Strike Anywhere, The Ammity Affliction, Challenger, David Bowie, Agent Orange.


Hardly watch it but, the simpsons and everything are good, I have a passion for learning so the discovery channel is fucking SHWEEET!


SCOTT FOSTER, COLIN MACKAY, BRANDON HOERRERES, PETER HOLLAWAY, Steven Woodward, Will Love, Allistair Whitten, Gary Young, Dave mirra, Scotty Cranmer, Brian Terada, Adam Baker, Paddy Gross, Corey Bohan, Dave Dillewaard, Nick Kawasaki, Bruce Crisman, Nick Cooper, Seth Kimbrough, Corey Martinez, Aaron Ross, Chase Dehart, Chris Doyle, Sergio Layos, Danny Hickerson, Clint Millar, Taj Mihelich, Brian Hunt, Max Vincent, Josh Harrington, Kevin Kiraly, Thomas Hancock, Luke Fink, Pete Radivo, Van Homan, Daniel Kershaw, Rob Darden...