//Dancing, hanging out with friends//
//Anyone Famous//
//Anything Good//
//The Notebook//
Myspace Layouts
//Gilmore Girls, Laguna Beach, The OC// L*O*V*E
Long & Detailed Survey
Basic Physical Stuff
Your name?: ATHENA
How old are you?: 19
And about how tall?: 5'6
You weigh: 130 lbs
With this kind of body type: average
Your eyes are: green/blue
Do they change color?: all the time
And your hair?: blonde
Does that change color too?: not really...
Your skin is: soft
Personal Shit
When's your birthday?: 9-10-87
So that would make you: 19
Who's in your household?: my mommy, daddy, and puppy
Who's your favorite?: my puppy!
Are your parents divorced?: no...
If so, for how long?: there not
Have any pets?: yes
You like them?: of course
What's your sexual preference?: um guys
Why?: thats what i like!
Are you dating?: yeah
If so, are you enjoying it?: sometimes
If not, do you wish you were?: i am
Got friends?: tons
They are: ashley, shea, kellie, tiffany, brittany, la la, dana, tiffany c., melissa ....to many to list
Your favorites?: couldnt tell ya
Why?: just because
Any final confessions?: none that i want to tell
Have You Ever...
Kissed?: yes
Hugged?: yes
Molested?: no
Flirted?: yes ;)
Broken up?: yep
Cried?: not much
Stolen?: no
Eaten sushi?: yes...nasty
Revealed your deepest secret?: yeah once....and never again
Someone else's secret?: yea
Back stabbed?: hell yeah im a girl!
Bitch-slapped someone?: lol...what do you think?
Beaten someone up?: yea
Been beaten up?: once...by my mom
Fucked a duck?: wtf?
Been in love?: yeah
Hated someone?: again...im a girl!
Your Ideal Guy/Girl (Physically speaking)
How old?: older than me!
What hair color?: blonde or brown
Hair style?: idk
Eye color?: blue or green
How tall?: taller than me
Because: thats hot
Their weight?: not skinny....but not fat
And their body type?: bult
Because: thats hot
If it's a guy you want, any facial hair?: yeah
What kind of facial structure you like?: a strong chin
Any body parts of interest to discuss?: yeah...but not with you!
Because: i said so
Do they need to have a toned body?: yeah
Why?: thats what i want
Your Ideal Guy/Girl (Emotionally speaking)
Polite?: yea
Cute?: yea
Or Sexy?: both
How about a little perverted?: yes
Are you perverted?: sometimes
That was off topic: yeah it was
A good sense of humor?: of course
Do you like them violent?: a little ;)
How's a quick temper?: well ive got one so....
Energetic, or laid back?: a little of both
How eccentric would you want them?: idk
Why?: ....
Your Ideal Guy/Girl (Other)
Clothing?: preppy, but hot
Music interests?: anything
Hobbies?: whatever
Something you'd like to do to them?: whatever...lol
Something you'd like them to do to you?: anything
Why?: thats how i like it!
Would your parents have to like them?: i guess
Should they like animals?: yes
A fetish they'd be included in?: maybe....
And your overall ending statement?: .....
What kind of music do you like?: any and everything
Why?: just because
Are you creative?: sometimes
Do you write?: notes in class
How about draw?: yeah like hearts and flowers and smileys
Sing?: love to!
Play an instrument?: no
Like to dance?: yea at the club
What kind of dancing?: you know~
Do you play video games?: no
What kind?: none
How about computer games?: no
What kind?: none
Any sports you like?: tennis, golf, and basketball
Watch or play?: both
Why?: thats what i like
Do you enjoy board games?: no
Are you obsessed with IM?: no
Your cell phone?: yes
Technological communication in general?: yea
Do you talk to your friends in person more?: try to
Or through a communication device?: idk
Worldly Influences
Are you into politics?: no
If so, which party do you prefer?: republican
Why?: i just do
Do you respect the environment?: well.......i try
Why?: because im nice
And do you love animals?: yes
If so, what's your favorite kind?: puppys
How do you feel about people?: who gives a shit
What's Your Favorite...
Color?: hot pink.....and red
Season?: summer
Month?: july
Day?: saturday
Number?: 7
Scent?: burberry london
Other (Last Section)
Do you want to fly?: what?
How many stuffed animals do you own?: 1
Do you wear make up? (Even if you're a dude): yeah
Do you dig pokemon?: no
If you could go out with any celebrity, it'd be: brad pitt
Do you love life?: yea
Last comment. Have fun.: damn i gotta pee! ;)
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