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Don't fuck with people that handle your food. Says the Cook.

About Me

"Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived." ~ Meet Joe Black~T.H. White said, Perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically to those who hardly think about us in return. Why are relationships so hard? because it's harder to be alone. "When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely it will be unexcusably selfish to be lonely alone."- Tennesse Williams "Time takes it all, whether he wanted to or not. Time takes it all, time bears it away and in the end, there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again."- Steven King I feel that my whole life is some kind of dream, and I sometimes wonder who's it is, and whether they are enjoying it. One life... One chance... it's up to us what we do with it. And Hansel said to Grettle, let us drop these bread crumbs, so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things. There are tragedys in life, one is to lose your hearts desire, the other is to gain it. At this moment, there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world, some are running scarred, some are coming home, some tell lies to make it through the day, others are now just facng the truth, some are evil men that war with good, some are good struggling with evil. 6 billion people, 6 billion souls, and sometimes, all you need is one. Robert Lewis Stevenson - You cannot run away from a weakness. You must fight it out or perish, and if that be so, why not now and where you stand? Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone, and do not be troubled by the future, for it is yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering. E.E. Cumings- To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best night and day to make you everybody else; means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being CAN fight, and never stop fighting. Most of our life is a series of images; they pass us by like towns on a highway, but sometimes a moment stuns us as it happens and we know that this instance is more than a fleeting image, we know that this moment; every part of it will live on forever. Sex is easy, but if you find someone your in love with, whose also your friend wouldn't that be the greatest benefit. it's a fairytale I guess. There's nothing wrong with fairytales, everyone ends up happily ever after. Regret makes you old, and bitterness poisens the ones around you. Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, and hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. Be not afraid of life, believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. Your the luckiest person on this entire planet, when the person you love decides to love you back. (so, does this make me the luckiest person on the planet?)

My Interests

laughing. laughter is the gateway to my soul. my friends. California (more than anything in the world) Just recently, a little girl, who means the world to me, and her name is Baylie. My face doesn't hide anything, yet... it is my most decieving feature... I'm easily amused.
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

People who will give you a new standard for pretty much a lot of things.


I'm open to different kinds of music but I love country. My favorite... Big and rich! Gavin Degraw, Brad Paisley, Red Hot chile Pepeprs, Sublime, Greenday, The Used, My Chemical Romance. (just to name a few.)


Jay and Silent Bob and Mallrats(haha) The Sweetest thing. quote from favorite movie, "Peter: I'd be careful with those fat-free chips - they cause anal leakage. Roger: You cause anal leakage Peter: It says so on the bag. Roger: [reads the bag and spits chips out of his mouth] What kind of marketing braniac puts anal leakage on his product? How can they even sell that crap?"


THE OC, One Tree Hill.


dreamland, joy of cooking, and cook books. I like autobiographys. Some people just lead interesting lives.


my daddy

My Blog

My mailing address for Vermont

56 College St. Montpelier, VT. 05602Attn. Evvan Blazell  
Posted by Evvan on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 05:27:00 PST

How dare some people

If someone were to ever make fun of someone I care about, I can promise you that I will never speak with you again. I hate judgemental people. I don't really have family that cares about me, or that I...
Posted by Evvan on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 05:42:00 PST