Music, reading, fencing, soccer, video games, playing outside, breaking things, having fun, trading insults with people, doing stupid things for no apparent reason, dancing for no apparent reason, etc.
everyone.. width="450" height="343" ..
Rainbow by * kris-wilson on deviant ART
way too many, i wont even try, but u could ask me, or if we're ever together, we could go through my ipod and see wats on it.
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So many. Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger), Slaughterhouse 5 (Kurt Vonnegut), The Stranger (Albert Camus), The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho), A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess), anything by Niel Gaiman, George Orwell especially 1984 and Animal Farm, Orson Scott Card, The Nightside series, The Dark Tower series, um, damn, there's alot, so, I'm just going to stop listing now.
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ID2 by * BellZ on deviant ART