Mr. Mark profile picture

Mr. Mark

I'll do it tommorrow

About Me

I make music and love.

My Interests

Crashing computers and cars, finding new music, writing and recording new music, traveling...and other stuff?

I'd like to meet:

No one I don't aready know...meeting people on myspace is like some Chris Hansen Dateline shit.


I don't even know where to begin.


DARK KNIGHT!!! All the Star Wars except the first hour of Episode 1, Idiocracy, Super Troopers, Scanner Darkly, The Departed, Superbad, Knocked Up, V for Vendetta, Aladdin, Cars, Monsters Inc. Matrix Trilogy, Half Baked, Blood Diamond...Lots more


Smallville, Family Guy, Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy


books suck


You're my hero