standard guy stuff cars, motorcycles, and really into music ... non standard stuff is reading stephen king or any vietnam type stuff..into a lot of eclectic stuff im all over the place with music listening to twangy 50's country one minute and death metal the next ...i think your music should change with your attitude..
girls who like to ride on motorsickle's (ha there Amber)
everything except R&B pretty much....
lots of movies but mostly comedy like is so full of shit its nice to have a good laugh once in a while
hmm...tom goes to the mayor, curb your enthusiasm, seinfeld, inked, miami ink, Dexter, criss angel mindfreak, mythbusters, pinks, simpsons, adult swim, american dad, chappelles show..
umm here we go loved the count of monte christo...stephen king (especially dark tower series) um mystery stuff by agatha christie (rock on Poirot), rex stout (nero wolfe rocks a lynx's ass), and robert b parker... also read a ton of biographies and stories from vietnam....ummm i read a crap load of magazines haha
any one who serves in the military whether it be a just cause or one who doesnt go to war will ever understand what its like to be put through that..oh yeah and my heroes have always been cowboys..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!