♥BrItTtAnY~dAnIeLlE♥ profile picture



About Me

HI! my name is Brittany Danielle! first of all i want to say that Jesus loves you very much and he wants to be your best friend!!! i am getting married July 26, 2008 to an awesome man of God!!! we've been together for over five years.wow huh!?! i love you, isaac!!!:) i love to travel!!! it's the best! i get to travel with Believing In Autumn and it is so fun!!! i've become the "band mom", it's great! i love to sleep!! i am a night owl so i can stay up really late but i absolutely hate to get up early. i have two pets: a dog named Allie and a ferret named Zeta! and i will gain another soon... June the lizard! my one and only goal in life is to get married and have kidz!!

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I'd like to meet:

...Jesus... i have like a million questions to ask him!:)!


i LOVE any kind of music!!! yes Nathan....anything that even has screaming!!!?


The Notebook...my fav!... The Little Mermaid...who doesn't?... Entrapment, Ever After... and so many more


ER!!! AND i will admit i am a the Young and the Restless and Days of Our Lives junky!!;)


i dont like to read....it takes up too much


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Survey for Christians
Name: ~Brittany Danielle~
Birthday: September 28, 1988**
Where do you live?: in the middle of nowhere, Illinois~~
Hair color?: brunette*
Eye color?: um...my birth certificate says hazel...but they change
Height?: not sure...5'4"
Are your parents still married?: yup...almost 22 years!!
Do you have any brothers? If so, how many?: yup...^one^!
Do you have any sisters? If so, how many?: yup...*one*!
Do you get along with your parents?: of course!
Who is your best friend?: my soon to be HUSBAND!
Do you trust him/her?: with my life!!
How did you meet this person?: school!
Favorite color?: it changes...right now it's blue!
Favorite TV show?: Biggest Loser~
Favorite Bible verse?: John 10:10
Favorite food?: any kind of *fruit*
Favorite drink?: H2O!
Favorite memory?: HiGh ScHoOl:)
Have you ever been Baptized?: water or HOLY GHOST....(!both!)
If yes, do you remember the date?: water-no i was young...HOLY GHOST-my senior year of high school
When did you become a believer?: at a very young age!
Do you attend church regularly?: yup!
What church?: Assembly of God
Who is your pastor?: Pastor Peters~~awesome man of God!!
Have you ever cried at church?: yes..many times!
How often do you read your Bible?: *everyday*
Which version or translation of the Bible do you use?: New King James
Do you pray? If yes, how often?: you better believe it!
Do you pray before meals?: yes*
Is your family church going Christians?: ~absolutely~
Do you believe in heaven and hell?: yes*
Have you ever sang at church?: *yes
Have you ever played an instrument at church?: yes*
Do you shower or bathe daily?: *yes
Have you ever gone to church just to meet a girl or boy?: no don't think so
What is your favorite church hymn?: *Amazing Grace*
What is your favorite contemporary Christian song: ~Inside Out~
Your favorite Christian band or artist?: ~*Beliving In Autumn*~ who else, duh!!!
Are you sometimes afraid to show your faith at school/work?: nope*
Do you often talk to others about God and the Bible?: *yup
Do you believe that Christians should watch R rated movies?: no but *THE PASSION* is rated R!!!
If there was one question you could ask God, what would it be?: only one?
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died for you: YES!
Have you ever taken a survey quite like this before?: nope but i LOVED it!
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God/Bible/Christian survey
Do you consider yourself a Christian (if you are another faith, list it.)?: yes*
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is your savior?: *yes
Do you believe the Bible?: with all my heart~
Do you know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life?: *yes
Do you ever disagree with God or the Bible?: never*
What do you believe will happen after you die?: ~*I will be in the presence of the Almighty*~
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?: ~yes
Do you believe in any other gods?: no~
Can one sin be worse than another?: no..a sin is a sin
Do you read the Bible? or at least try to?: ~yes
Do you believe in the power of prayer?: AbSoLuTeLy
Do YOU pray?: absolutely!
Do you ask forgiveness of your sins?: every day*
Is Christ number one in your life, even above your family/bf/gf?: ~*yes*~
How do you feel on the subject of evolution?: And the Lord formed man out of dust, and breathed a breathe of LIFE into man, and the man became a LIVING soul. GENISIS 2:7
Do you believe God created the earth? or the Big Bang theory?: God SPOKE the world into exsistence~"IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH." GENISIS 1:1
Were you always a Christian (or other faith)?: ~yes~
If not, when did you come to Christ?:
Did you get baptized?: water or HOLY SPIRIT?...both*
If so, do you remember when?: water-8??? HOLY SPIRIT- my senior year of HS
Do you tell people your testimony?: yes'em
Do you think God decides your future?: He already knows the future~
What do you think about:
racism?: God created us equal
homosexuality?: Leviticus 20:13 & 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
killing (abortion, death penalty, murder)?: Jerimiah 1:5
God?: John 14:6
Jesus dying on the cross?: I thank him greatly
worldy possessions?: are nothing compared to knowing Him~
secular music against christian music?: ~what is the song saying?~
This or that:
God or Satan?: *~GOD~*
Bible or Opinions?: The B-I-B-L-E***
Heaven or Hell?: ~heaven~
Speak out or Be quiet?: whatever the HOLY SPIRIT tells me
Leader or Follower?: I follow JESUS! and I lead others to Him!
Love or Hate?: ~LOVE~
Forgiveness or Revenge?: FoRgIvEnEsS~ revenge is for the LORD~
Family/friends or Christ?: *Christ is #1 and above all else*
A painful death dying for your God or denying him to save your life?: *I am bought with a price*
Man-made rules or the Bible?: The B-I-B-L-E Yes that's the book for me....
Money or eternal life?: *Eternity with Christ*
Back to more questions...
What is the most important thing in your life?: Jesus, Family, Friends
If someone brought you to Christ, who was it in relation to you?: *
Are you thankful for what you have?: *YES*
If you could change the world with one thing, what would it be?: forgiveness
Do you believe in war?: yes
Do you love your enemies?: yes
Are you afraid of what people think of you?: no
Do you try to set an example of Christ?: Everyday
Do you help others in need?: yes
Do you only help people if you can benefit from it?: no
Do you think the human race is somewhat selfish?: yes
If you have any Christian friends, do you look up to them?: yes
Have you ever went to a Christian concert/festival?: yes
Did you ever save anyone and bring them to Christ?: yes
If so, who in relation to you?: *
How do you feel about luke-warm Christians? (people inbetween christianity): my heart breaks
Do you believe God has a purpose for you?: YES*
Do you believe in miracles?: Absolutely
If so, do you know of any that you'd like to share?: there are too many
Do you try to help those who are unsaved?: Yes
Is being a Christian hard work?: It can be
Do you try your best to follow Jesus' example?: Yes
What is your best characteristics?: being loyal and compassionate*
What is your worst characteristics?: too quiet
If you could, would you change something physically or mentally about you?: no
If so, what and why?: *
Do you try to be different from the worldy aspects that people expect?: yes~
Do you find yourself as a unique individual?: yeh
If you had to go against the world in order to follow God, would you?: yes
What is the hardest thing about being a Christian to your opinion?: um...
Have you learned a lot as a Christian?: ~
Do you love everybody unconditionally and forigve them?: yes
What do you think a Christian is supposed to be?: like Jesus
How do you see most Christians?:
Do you think you are saved?: yes*
Lastly, what is your idea of Christianity?:
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