Huy, Andrew, Vincent, Lil Vincent, Tim, Teddy, Hektic and Darrel.
FM Crew BiographyIf you don't know our story...Feet in motion started in 2004, back when it was Elemen-o Krew...which was comprised of three members: Andrew(Amo), Vincent(ikon) and Huy(Pain).
The story of how they met is a little entertaining, because Vincent and Huy met Andrew at a party, where they saw him bboying and wanted to learn. Vincent and Huy, being the guys always wanting to try something new, asked Andrew to come to Vincents birthday party(November 2003)...which Huy "anticipated" to be "big," but what Andrew really saw was that Huy was just trying to get Andrew to come, because Andrew had said in the back of his head, "Man I don't want to hang out with these guys." In the end, only Huy and Vincent were at Vincents birthday party, with Andrew there teaching them how to bboy.
A few months later, they established the first official crew to the Feet in Motion family under the name "Elemen-o Krew," which grew much bigger, but through rough times...sometimes smaller. During the year Andrew recruited many people into the crew, first being Allan(Tribez), Josh(Hektic), Teddy(Whazn) and Darrell(Superhuman Prancing Unicorn)...of those four members, three are still affiliated with Feet in Motion to this day(Josh, Teddy and Darrel), but with only one of them being active(Josh). Teddy and Darrel had left for college, so they are on "vacation" from bboying, due to school. Allan had defected from the crew in 2006 due to the crew "not getting anywhere," as he explains. Although the crew tries not to be so "ugly" with the situation, we all agreed that "It isn't our loss, it's his own."
After the recruiting of so many members, the crew changed its name for the first time ever, to "Unknown Elementz." The 2004 year went by, when the crew went to its first break dancing event known as "Bboy Hodown," which in time, grew to be one of the largest historical events to be held in history.
People came by and got a "test drive" of bboying every once in a while, but usually left sooner or later because they didn't have the commitment. As everyone in the crew knew commitment would be a factor, they stuck with it to the very end. Of two of those people were Tiny Tim and Little Vincent*, who took large amounts of time out of their schedule, to come and practice. They joined the crew in late 2005, when the crew had once again and finally changed their name to "Feet in Motion," and dedicated their lives to this dance.
The crew entered its first ever crew battle in 2005, at bboy hodown...against another crew mixed of "United bboys" and "Sole power," they named themselves "Bazooka Nutsack;" a rather peculiar name. The two crews battled and the end result was Bazooka Nutsack winning, and going to the next round to battle "Havikoro." Feet in Motion had lost its first crew battle, but they used that experience to learn from, not regress on.
During the first half of the 2006 year, a new member from Rochester, Minnesota had joined the crew...his name was CHIA. A really powerful bboy who had reluctantly joined the crew, for a while he was very active in the crew, even battling with them at B.F.A.C. and bboy hodown 2006. He defected around the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007 to join the Vicious Germz crew.
Throughout the year, many of the crew members had to take on responsibilities. Feet in Motion had gone through a rough time with trying to stay close. Andrew was busy with high school work, preparing for his senior year; Vincent was out trying to get his senior year finished; Huy was left alone, so he had made a new friend named Uriel, who had pretty much taken care of Huy through the first half of 2006. Since the original three had hit a "bumpy road," the rest of the crew had split apart...ironically avoiding contact with each other, but not intentionally. Due to this split...the crew would learn from this mistake, learning that being together as a crew should remain top priority.
On the night/morning of June 17-18, 2006, Huy had left his house to return his girlfriend Salees house keys to her, in his parking lot...but in the process, they were kidnapped and killed. Due to everyones ignorance, they had all thought Huy had ran away from home with his girlfriend Salee, because of prior knowledge; they all believed the couple ran away due to much disapproval from friends and family alone. Days later, Huy and Salees bodies were found in a woody area near a freeway in Houston...but due to rain, debris, brutality and gunshot wounds, it was hard to identify their bodies.
After Huys cremation and funeral, which was sadly closed casket, a committee had established the popular "Battle for a Cause" association, which held an event under its name; to raise money for Huys funeral. Feet in Motion had entered its second ever official crew battle at B.F.A.C., against sole power...and sadly lost. The event had gone through as planned, and more successful then anticipated, raising over $3000 dollars for Huys family.
During the second half of the 2006 year, life was tough on the crew, but after going through the experience of losing a crew member, they all made sticking together a big priority. The crew had held sessions every Friday, which was to generally hang out and practice bboying. They started to take bboying more serious after Huys death and the loss of the crew battle. Towards the end of the year, bboy hodown 2006 had come by, but the crew did not get approval to go into the preliminary round after losing the qualifying round. Some may say Feet in Motion wasn't practicing, but they say it was "only" because they had to battle at 2a.m. in the morning. This was one of bboy hodowns flaws, as everyone has stated numerous times.
During 2007, Uriel became a huge part in the crew. Although he was introduced in 2006 at one of the bboy sessions, he didn't get serious wiht bboying until late 2006 and early 2007. He was thought of as "Huys student" and a dope bboy, anyone could tell Huy taught him everything he knew about bboying. Huys main objective was being on top and clean...although that is not the primary concern for bboys, bboys should learn to be all rounded.
so the story what it is today.
* Vincent and Vincent both had the same last name, so to settle differences everyone started calling the younger Vincent, Little Vincent...and the older one just Vincent, or sometimes Big Vincent(rarely).
Bboy Events We Battled At:
Bboy Academics 1on1 Session
Bboy Hodown 2 & 3
Bboy City 13& 14
No 8 Counts 1 & 2
No 8 Counts Freestyle Party
Raw Texas Warz
Crazy Commandos
ALL the Y.A. JAMS (
Battle For A Cause
All Nation 1on1 Houston Heat
R.I.P. Huy
Feet In Motion 2007 (practice)
Big Vincent
Little Vincent
Everyone Here!