Music, role playing games, RPing, psychology, school, learning, college, cooking, working out, weight lifting, video games, hiking, books, electronics, other languages, art, poetry, knights, swords, martial arts, boxing, LJ, swimming, staying up late, converstaions, debates, night, stars, cresent moons, writing, playing guitar, debates, intelligent conversations, late night walks, conversations that last for hours and hours, friends, stories, honesty, music again (xD)
People who are fun, open minded and willing to have discussions that last for hours. Someone smart, witty, and even sarcastic! Anyone who enjoys a good laugh (even if it is from a rather odd sense of humor) I'm totally up for friends, besides, friends are always good. Unless they're bad friends, then they need to be ditched, because my mental health is much more important then some jerk.
Anything that sounds good and makes me feel. I really will give anything a shot at least once. I listen to rap, rock, country, jrock, jpop, alternative, musicals, indie, underground, metal, anything and everything! Though the more original and the more from the heart of the muscian the better it is!You know why this is here:
The fifth element, Lost and Delerious, Naussica, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, Beaches, Memoirs of a geshia
BUFFY! Grey's anatomy is awesome too! I also love Heroes right now! Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park are the only other things I really watch. When I'm bored that is, or really tired.
The last vampire series, anything stephen king, The year of the cat series... Uh, I'm sure I've read other good stuff, just my brain is dying right now.
Well, in my opinion a hero is someone who exemplifies some specific quality. Which we're all human, so we can not be the utmost ideal of any given value. People are people are people. I respect others talent, ideals and values, but that doesn't make you a hero, that just makes you awesome.