let's see... well i am currently located in louisianna, i'm 23 years old... my biggest hopes right now is to make it to hollywood with a band. o yeah and i have the most awesomest freakin girlfriend ever! her name is angie, and she is my punkin. lol. i love her...... like... sO FreAKiN hArD!!! my life is better becuase of her. every minute of every day. i'm just pretty damn well sure she's my other half, and the love of my life. =) =) =)........................i have a love for all things random, and music of course... well thats my whole life really. i would be a much duller person without it.--->(and angie) i'm into drumming, video games, spending time with good friends, (you know who you are), movies and just tryin not to be exaclty like everyone else.... yea i know you can't be totally different from everyone b/c theres so many out there i favor as in style and music and what not... but i like to think of myself as an individual.i HATE drama and do my best to keep clear of it, and those who attract a lot of it.i'm currently in the works to open a tattoo shop with joey, who i consider one of the best friends i've ever had. i can't wait til we get it rollin too.... i'm so ready to pour my heart into this...oh, and you should sit on a duck!....... so there, n' stuff....... poop...a...loop...de..doop........... "If there is no struggle, there is no progress." -Frederick Douglas-97%
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You Are a Phoenix
Driven and ambitious, you tend to acquire material success easily.
You have grand schemes - both for your own life and for changing the whole world.
You are a great leader, and you have no problem taking the reigns.
However, you aren't all business. You also have great talents for performing and visual arts.
What Mythological Creature Are You?
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