Reading, spacing out (aka day dreaming), traveling, stuffing my face with anything but seafood, and ofcourse, spending time with my beloved hunnie, friends, and family and PuTTing a SmiLe on PeOPLe's FacEs *SMILE*
Hip Hop, R&B, Slow Jam, Classical - it really depends on my mood and who I'm With at the time =)
The Last Samurai, 50 First Dates, A beautiful Mind, Pirates of the Caribbean, Monsters inc.,- the child in me loves Disney Movies
24, Friends, CSI Miami, Without a Trace, and bball ofcourse! Learning to watch Baseball for ONE SPECIAL REASON!!!
Enjoys Ami Tan's works and will read almost any autobiographies and Wine and Dine mags. Also enjoys reading fashion magazines or anything shallow and about beauty.