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About Us Okay so here's the deal...
MCR saves lives.
It's not a gimmick, it's a fact.
There's something extraordinary,
about the effect five guys can have on so many peoples lives.
This is the only band that I have ever been passionate about.
That passion is the reason why I started this site...
I wanted to share my love for this band with other fans,
to enable them to show just how much this band means to them.
So if you share my passion for the band,
if they've made a mark on your life...
Then this is the place for you.
20th December
sorry there's been no updates lately, I've been kinda busy! new stuff coming in the new year, promise!! :D
25th November
Reviews added.
30th October
Frank's birthday video added.
19th October
Frank's Birthday Video Blog added.
Chapter 4 added to Romantic Tragedy .
How I Discovered MCR blog updated.
18th October
New layout!
New default pic.
New song.
14th October
8th October
Birthday Blog added.
New 3 word story started.
2nd October
Chapters 2 & 3 added to Romantic Tragedy
1st October
New support banner added.
30th September.
New default.
29th September.
2 new pre-made banners added.
28th September.
graphics & pre-made banners added.
24th September.
New layout added [again!]
New fan fic - The Best Little Whore House
23rd September.
New fanfic added - Crazy For Each Other .
Frank's quotes added.
22nd September
New Fan fics blog.
21st September
New contact tables added.
New default.
If you would like to submit anything to the site,
for example fan fics, fan art, pics etc...
just send me a message,
all credit will go to you.