Taintedpalms profile picture


Hid n Gates is coming! The People Need Substance

About Me

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In Life there is Death, so you better hury up and figure out the inbetween....and if you see someone falling and you can't figure out a way to help save their life...just be thankful you don't have to walk in their shoes...by the way don't get the back ground twisted...the fruit of life was given to you as a kid all day watching cartoons...This is my cartoon lady for the week...her job is to present my page..."Welcome to Hid n Gates aka Hidden Gates"...we hold no punches here...This is the crOssOVer...I got this...i've been on the InTerNet for years...dible dable...but how many of my web sites have you seen...I've been professional...myspace is personal...real people step up and say this is what it is here...RESPECT my team...The Royal Flush...a select few...Trying to do something and enjoy all the fruits LIFE has to offer...I said 300,000 and gave Over 1.2...PLEASE!...Every bodies waiting on my next move...I'll give it to you just how I see it and if you feel I'm wrong in anything I do...PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ME TOO!!~~~

Myspace Layouts

Average is over...it's now or never...I'm looking for the hottest promoters to come here...bring your sexy...fill up the 55th Card Stack with the true essences of intimate thoughts...and never forget this order...God, self, and opportunity...because when you got that solidified...it's easy to see about everybody else...let the story unfold...and live with the way people really are...this is my promise...I will never prejudge you...what I'll do is use common sence...I will never ask you to do anything I wouldn't do myself...what I will ask you is to be captivated by the beauty...but understand the business...there's a shout box for good wisdom...This is called the making of a man...every beautiful man was born of a beautiful woman...except one...his name was adam but I'm not him...Thomas J. Ward front and center...call him what you want...sounds like the dawn of a new day...Lady's Hilliary might get office...Imagine woman reaching mans hightest level of assignment...so who dare think it's wrong to be an appealing froce...man been flexing muscle for a min...they been fighten for equal since way back... don't you think it's time for woman to stand up and say I got you...the bottom line is this you do it with your manhood...she does it with her sexiness...imagine your weakness...now imagine hers..._____________________________________________________ ______Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0_________________________________________________________ __Already underway, ad campaign for my myspace page, so far totaling 1.5 million people to be contacted! Week one complete! Click the map to see total views so far. ___________________________________________________________T he 55th Card Stack! Special Promotion! See you at the Top! ___________________________________________________________
About me:
Extended Network Banner @ FreeSexyLayouts
Contact Box Generated from Edit Myspace Code

My Interests

Right now my number 1 interest is my business!

Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Models, Actors, Producers, Artist, DJ's, Anyone looking for a break or good deals!

Myspace Layouts

Myspace Layouts

The Royal Flush

Tila Tequila


Asia Rain



Lisa Fleming


Bobbi Billard

Kimmi Kennedy


Mandi J




Ms Dynasty

Ebony Starr


Adree DeSanti

Christine LeMaster

Adree DeSanti






Shannon M. Williams

Tera Thomas

Kim Pae


Ashley Gellar

Full House Flush
I have 20 Artist Holding Down The Deck

Jim Jones



Tree High

Styles P

Kin Foke Productions








Rachel Brown

Da Truth




EB Fashions


The Whole Deck
Artist Roll Call



It took me 3 days to find an mp3 player that would allow me to upload my own mixs...I needed this because I promised I'd promote my myspace artist...so get your hottest tracks to me and get mixed in......oh yeah my business is pointing you in the right direction...so of course you can get it too...upload as many tracks as you want...please believe it...this one tract is 20 min...


I like all kinds of movies. I can even help you get auditions.


Just find a show and 9 times out of 10 I've watch at least one episode.


Yeah! I do books too. Still trying to publish one!


Heros? Well I never been saved by one. But I guess you can say I look up to some people.
Online Now Icons http://www.pimpmyarea.com

My Blog


I know your not the one in your group of friends with that L-Lame-O cell phone. When i've been telling you I give away The Newest Phones Point Blank Period. NOTICE: I'm not blowing up your page with ...
Posted by Taintedpalms on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 05:24:00 PST

Every Artist Should Have An A-1 MixTape Supplier

No per song fee! No per mixtape fee! Unlimited Downloads! You heard it here first! For what we spend on mixtapes a year, I should see some shouts for this one!...
Posted by Taintedpalms on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 02:14:00 PST

OH YEAH! We Just Made Grown n Sexy!

Myspace Layouts...
Posted by Taintedpalms on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:02:00 PST

At Midnight I'm Booking A Vacation...

...ok ok ok, i'm sorry... just trying to get to know the Super Friends...but really u know you need a vacation...might as well see how I do it... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...what you think?...is we...
Posted by Taintedpalms on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:06:00 PST

How Sexy Can You Get for This!

The 55th Card Stack. Where you post your sexist Pic and in return I'll boost your myspace hits. 300,000 email campaign set to release Fri.
Posted by Taintedpalms on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 05:54:00 PST

Do you need a gig?

I know where to send you. Show me what you got and I will point in the direction you should go! This is business 1on1...I will personal send you an invitation to casting calls and modeling auditions! ...
Posted by Taintedpalms on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 12:13:00 PST

I give away Free Cell Phones!

Trust me You'll love your new phone!  I'll bet the phone you got now would have been free if you knew about me before you bought it!  ...
Posted by Taintedpalms on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 11:57:00 PST