..Everyone searches for their perfect fit, with Robert I had that. His love for me never ceased to amaze me. Everyone that knew us knew how in love we were. I am truly grateful for the time I was allowed to shared my life with such a wonderful man, someone that I truly believe was put on this earth to love me for me. I never really knew what love was until I met him. He taught me how to love and be loved. I am not much liking being with our him, I miss everything, relaxing at home, snuggling up watching stupid show after stupid show, going to the lamest movies, rafting, walking, arguing or just plain being together every moment I fell more in love.
It's time to find the strength to move forward, to begin living again. The sorrow I feel everyday has consumed me since you left. I need to stop hiding because I am sure Robert's not pleased with me and would do anything to take the pain away.I love you Robert, today, tomorrow, always and forever.