Socially: People... people.. and more people! You can learn something from everyone you meet rather it be a fact, a great story or they introduced you to someone else. HTML content to post goes here (e.g. text, images, objects, etc.)" / Share on MySpace!Personal: Hmmmmm.....I'm NOT looking for a hook-up. Look around, they are a dime a dozen. I would consider dating someone who is not afraid to try new things,or who can take charge once in awhile, who can loosen up a little, who physically takes care of themselves,can dress up for a benefit or business outing (if need be) and turn around and dress down for a baseball game, loves music as much as I, someone who doesn't judge (unless you've walked in other peoples shoes), someone who doesn't mind going out and having a good time, or just hanging out together even if it's just lounging on the couch (with me!)and........ you have to smile! To put up with me, you'll have to have a sense of humor!