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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Live in a beautiful part of Hampshire countryside, with partner Diane, where I look after a large organic garden.Have been very active in environmental groups,animal protection and promoting vegetarian and vegan diets for many years.Very proud of my son and daughter-two very creative and positive souls doing there thing in Winchester and Leicester. Played drums for 5 years in the psychedelic rock band Wandering Spirit and we played at Free Festivals at Stonehenge, Windsor Park and Watchfield, colleges and even a church.... Concerned about the human race abusing the planet,each other and the animals on a huge scale. Working full time for years as an Organic Gardener and now embrace vegan-organic methods without the use of animals or their waste/slaughterhouse by-products.Active with VON-Vegan Organic Network as this is the solution to growing food in a sustainable way and without chemicals.The newly emerging local intiatives called TRANSITION may be a key thing to help us face Peak Oil, Climate Change and ENERGY DESCENT future that is fast coming, and how we can survive building up sustainable local communties..Music is a huge thing in my life-still play a bit, mainly hand percussion and go to lots of gigs and festivals. Paganism with compassion and shamanic/earth wisdom make sense to me and humans need to change their cruel wasteful and destructive ways FAST.Corporate greed and corrupt poiticians-we know who you are! I am optimistic most of the time as I know, and know of, many wonderful souls out there doing their best to make a better world.....laugh,love and peace! GO V-E-G-A-N! WAR WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Suspend wi-fi in schools, says union chief following ill-health claims i-schools-says-union-chief-following-reports-causes-ill-heal th.html

Radio interview with Graham Cole from the Vegan Organic Network - part 1

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Julia Butterfly Hill, Gandhi(hard I know),anyone who wants to stand up for justice, nature,the spirited rainbow open minds

My Blog

Interview with Graham Cole from the Vegan Organic Network - Part 2
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 06:11:00 GMT

A Delicate Balance - The Truth - Trailer 1
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 03:06:00 GMT

Taking Liberties Film

Taking Liberties shows how our hard won freedoms and liberties are being eroded especially when you stand up, protest and challenge the State and Corporate Interests. See it if you can!
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 13:28:00 GMT

Taking Liberties Trailer The erosion of our hard won liberties and how we are sleepwalking into a police state..... See the film
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 13:24:00 GMT

Growing Food Without Violence

We can grow food without chemicals, without GM crops and most importantly we can farm and garden without violence,that is not using animals, animal manure and slaughterhouse wastes such as blood, fish...
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 12:47:00 GMT