Live in a beautiful part of Hampshire countryside, with partner Diane, where I look after a large organic garden.Have been very active in environmental groups,animal protection and promoting vegetarian and vegan diets for many years.Very proud of my son and daughter-two very creative and positive souls doing there thing in Winchester and Leicester.
Played drums for 5 years in the psychedelic rock band Wandering Spirit and we played at Free Festivals at Stonehenge, Windsor Park and Watchfield, colleges and even a church....
Concerned about the human race abusing the planet,each other and the animals on a huge scale.
Working full time for years as an Organic Gardener and now embrace vegan-organic methods without the use of animals or their waste/slaughterhouse by-products.Active with VON-Vegan Organic Network as this is the solution to growing food in a sustainable way and without chemicals.The newly emerging local intiatives called TRANSITION may be a key thing to help us face Peak Oil, Climate Change and ENERGY DESCENT future that is fast coming, and how we can survive building up sustainable local communties..Music is a huge thing in my life-still play a bit, mainly hand percussion and go to lots of gigs and festivals.
Paganism with compassion and shamanic/earth wisdom make sense to me and humans need to change their cruel wasteful and destructive ways FAST.Corporate greed and corrupt poiticians-we know who you are! I am optimistic most of the time as I know, and know of, many wonderful souls out there doing their best to make a better world.....laugh,love and peace! GO V-E-G-A-N!
Suspend wi-fi in schools, says union chief following ill-health claims
Radio interview with Graham Cole from the Vegan Organic Network - part 1